Middle Adulthood Case Study

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This paper will focus on the latter part of middle adulthood. Middle adulthood represents the time in life between ages 34 to 60 (Newman & Newman, 2015). Since the middle adulthood is the longest stage of the life cycle, this paper will focus on an individual within the age of 45- 60. Individuals in the middle adulthood stage begin to develop concerns about future generation. They feel the need to contribute to the world through family and work. These feelings and thoughts are referred to as generativity. Erik Erikson refers to the problem posed at this stage as generativity vs. stagnation (Newman et al., 2015). Stagnation occurs when an individual is self-centered and unwilling to help society move forward. Several changes begin to …show more content…

Sam is a 60 year old, retired prison guard who was diagnosed with depression at the age of 56. Sam felt that all his life he struggled with hopelessness, but never felt the need to seek out any professional support other than his family. Sam stated, “I would feel down on myself, but never put much thought into it.” Sam’s first involvement with psychiatric services came shortly after the death of his son. Sam relayed that this was a difficult time for him. He was forced to retire due to a medical condition, his youngest daughter had started her own family and then tragedy stuck Sam’s oldest child and only son committed suicide. Sam stated that he felt that his world had just ended and he himself could not find any reason to live. Sam noted that he became angry and would avoid any contacts with his family. He even contemplated leaving his wife, whom he was happily married to for 35 years. Sam explained that he simply gave up, he stopped watching his diet, he started smoking again after giving it up for 10 years and he would often not get out of bed for days. One could surmise that Sam had entered a state of stagnation. He had lost so much that he isolated himself, gave up on his future and due to these feelings it placed him in a state of stagnation (Van Hiel, Mervielde, & de Fruyt, 2006). Sam’s medical doctor had noted several changes in his demeanor, …show more content…

Sam is considered to be in his middle adulthood. As stated previously, according to Erikson’s life span model this period is referred to as “generativity vs. stagnation” or stage 7 (Erikson, 1950). Generativity vs. stagnation is the main psychosocial conflict one is experiencing during this period (Newman et al., 2015). During this phase, individuals are attempting to find a balance between generativity and stagnation (Van Hiel et al., 2006). According to Erikson (1950), generativity is “primarily the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation.” Generativity and parenting can be closely linked because it is through our parenting skills that we begin to mentor and teach the next generation (Van Hiel et al., 2006). Through these activities we are providing guidance to our own children, which in turn will affect society as a whole. Please note that parenting is not the guaranteed path to generativity. Some research has even suggested that fostering and facilitating generative activity with older adults can improve their level of independence and even improve their quality of life (Ehlman & Ligon,

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