Mexican Culture Influence On Critical Thinking

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A huge part of being able to critically think is expanding horizons and going outside of comfort zones. Each person has a bias based on their walk of life. Which, is why each individual sees the world differently. Being born outside of the United States has definitely given me a different lens through which I see the world than my native peers. Growing up in a conservative Mexican household my customs and traditions have definitely shaped my thinking process. I was raised to believe the woman is submissive to the man, and her duty was to cater to his each and every need. It wasn't until I came to America when that ideology began to be a point of challenge. A shift in my thinking was made when I saw the power and abilities the independent American …show more content…

I would have never made the discovery of the very parallels between the Arab culture and my own. My void of respect for the woman would have never been filled. Converting to islam has taught me to believe that ones beauty is precious and one should be captivated ,not by my looks, but rather my intellect. Intellect, the exact opposite of what many men in the west desire in a woman. Islam has taught me to re analyze all aspects in my life and truly reflect on how well I am executing my duties as a muslim. I have no desire to be rich because I know that my good deeds are whats going to be evaluated in the end, not the amount of zeros in my bank account. I plan to teach, because i know i will gain a lot out of my life through the charity of spreading knowledge and wisdom to the younger. In Fact as muslims we are told to aim to spread knowledge and wisdom throughout the course of our lives. Abiding by the Quran in my lifestyle, has shaped my thinking tremendously. I respect people of all religions,orientations, races and political affiliations because I know that it is not my place or job to judge and

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