Metaphors By Sylvia Plath Essay

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Metaphors by Sylvia Plath describes feeling heavy, fat, and nauseous literally. However every phrase, every line, and every word in Metaphors symbolizes a deeper alternate meaning. Sylvia Plath uses metaphors, symbolism, and motifs to explain the feelings associated with pregnancy. A riddle of 9 lines is the perfect way to describe this poem, and there is no coincidence that it in fact is the first line of the poem. This poem about a pregnant woman gives many hints toward pregnancy. The most obvious of these hints is the number 9, it is mentioned in the first line, and the poem consists of 9 lines of 9 syllables in each. The 9 months of pregnancy are shown though this. The protagonist also mentions being “a cow in calf” which lets the reader confirm their suspicions. The protagonist (cow) is carrying the baby (calf). Feeling heavy and fat is the most recurring symbol in Metaphors. The protagonist compares herself to an elephant, a fat purse, and even goes so far as to calling herself “a melon strolling …show more content…

The protagonist feels the physical effects of pregnancy, however she also experiences the worry and fear of a pregnant woman. “Boarded the train and there is no getting off.” is the last line of the poem and is also the most emotional line of the poem. Unlike the earlier 8 lines of the poem this phrase does not focus on feeling large or fat, it symbolizes the emotions of not feeling ready. The protagonist feels like she is now on a train and cannot get off, and does not know if this is what she wants. The protagonist does not know what to do, her life is about to change forever, and the way this line is written hints to the fact that this was not a planned pregnancy. The reader knows that the protagonist is more afraid and unhappy about the pregnancy because the poem focuses on all the bad aspects of pregnancy. Throughout the entire poem there never a mention of happiness or the man who did the

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