We were taught in elementary school that if we study then well do perfect on tests, the only problem is we were never really taught how to study the ways that benefits us best. We were never taught what methods of studying help you on tests and how to make the material stick in your mind so you won’t just forget. That’s why the study of metacognition and multiple intelligence is now being used in classrooms and at home to better prepare the student for upcoming tests. Metacognition is being able to take charge, be aware and understand your own learning and thought process. Multiple intelligence is the theory that people aren’t born dumb but that they have naturally inherited sections of intelligence that aren’t realized in the brains of everyone. …show more content…
When we were younger we were told that when we study all we have to do it look over your notes and then we will do well on the test. The only problem is that just looking over notes doesn’t mean that, that’s all that’s going to prepare you for the test. That’s where metacognition comes in. Metacognition is more than just looking over some notes to study with. It’s being to be completely involved in your thought process of what you learning. Metacognition is important because this way when you take a test you stay more relaxed and have a better idea of what’s going to be on the test. By thinking about what you think is going to be on the test and teachers helping you understand what is necessary to study you’ll be more confident and relaxed when you take the test knowing that you know what exactly you need to know. When you’re more confident and relaxed you’ll do better than if you were scared and unprepared for the test. Another reason metacognition is important because it helps with learning information that stays in your mind rather than just learning information for the test and then just forgetting it all which happens a lot in school. Lot of schools and teachers teach their students what they are going to need to know for the test, so the students just memorize the information rather than actually learning it. Metacognition helps you actually understand what …show more content…
With music being my greatest area that means that I remember things best when it is associated with music or rhythm. I feel like music being my greatest area of intelligence makes sense because when I am trying to study I have a hard time memorizing and remembering what I am studying but when I try to put what I’m studying to music or a rhyme I remember it much better because can just remember the rhythm which helps me remember the words that go along with it. Music also seems to help me because when I study I cannot have complete silence because start to get distracted with things around me in the room I also can’t have music with lyrics playing in the background or I start to sing along to it and can’t focus. The best way is when I play music with no lyrics because then when I try to remember what I studied I think of the music that was playing when I studied it and it helps me remember what I
Define what metacognitive or reflective writing is. What are some of the prompts or “topics” for reflective writing?
Howard Gardner’s theory contains eight main multiple intelligence. As the years have progressed there have taken one out and is left with the main seven. These seven are: Linguistic, Mathematical, Spatial, bodily, Musical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. These are found in everyone; however, each person will excel in one or two. Once teachers can determine what intelligence the students will exceed on and teach to their strengths the student will learn much more.
Charles Spearman's model of intelligence and Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory are two of the most widely used theories of intelligence. In order to understand how similar the two theories are we must first understand their differences. These two men differed in opinion on how IQ and intelligence should be measured, and they differed in opinion on what made a person "smart". In order to examine these things they first had to understand the human brain and how it works. They had to examine the human study habits and rituals, along with the human test taking habits.
Howard Gardner is the “John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine, and Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero” (Gardner bio, Multiple Intelligences and Education, MI Theory, and Project Zero). As director of Project Zero, it provided and environment that Gardner could begin the exploration of human cognition (Multiple Intelligences and Education). Project Zero colleagues have been designing assessment and the use of multiple intelligences (MI) to realize more personalized curriculum, instruction, and teaching methods; and the quality of crossing traditional boundaries between academic disciplines or schools of thought in education (Gardner bio). MI theories offer tools to educators that will allow more people to master learning in an effective way and to help people “achieve their potential at the workplace, in occupations, and in the service of the wider world” (Gardner papers).
Many researchers have been study about the effects of music on performance in different criteria. Music has been related to better memory in which people study about something which is repeating that makes them remember with no trouble (Konantz, 2012). Memory is the action of recalling information that was learned and retained the important ones through associative mechanisms (as cited in, Meriam Webster, n.d.). Music is a pattern of sounds made by music instrument which intended to give pleasure to people who listen. It has some unique effects in the brain related to emotion, learning and memory (Jon Lieff, 2013). We might need music to help us to go through our daily life activities such as driving, studying and
It can be proven, through literary research and personal experiences, that music has a positive effect on learning and memory. It can be concluded that these positive effects have an impact on patients with Alzheimer’s, on the motor skills and auditory memory of mentally disabled children, on students attempting to remember subject manner that they are learning, and on the affectivity of advertisements. On a personal note, music has facilitated my ability to remember things, both positive and negative, a number of times. For example, in high school I memorized the days of the week in French by singing them along with a tune that was already familiar to me. I have also had multiple experiences in which I remember things that I do not want to remember such as advertisements and negative experiences because they were accompanied with specific music. Despite the miniscule negative effects of music on memory, the powerful ability of music to trigger memory production and recall is undeniably beneficial. The profound effect of music on memory and learning makes music a great tool for helping people who want to improve cognitive function, whether they need to receive treatment for a mental disease or learn new information.
The results suggested that music had a negative effect on memory as participants who listened to music had a lower mean result of 10 than the participants who were in silence that scored an average of 18 (Konantz, 2012). This suggests that music has a negative impact on memory and the ability to recall words from a set list.
In closing, implementing only one theory of learning can be limiting to the success of students in a classroom setting. A more effective approach would be “draw from two or more theoretical perspectives… to better capture the complex nature of human thinking and learning” (Ormrod, 2012). According to Howard Gardner, there are multiple intelligences in human individuals that are based on biological and cultural elements (Brualdi, 1996). Since each of the intelligences work independently of each other, but also complement each other individuals learn, teachers should teach accordingly (Brualdi, 1996).
Some people believe that songs with lyrics and melody can distract a student while studying, and hence, the speed of doing work will decrease. However, it must be recognized that there are other types of music, such as classical or instrumental music. These types of music promote in gaining higher concentration than compared to music with lyrics. As Cho suggests, with this state, when the brain is relaxed and calm,work is d...
Metacognition is the understanding of one’s own thinking process, also known as “thinking about thinking or cognition about cognition”, (Flavell, 1979). Metacognition is the ability to control our own thoughts. Metacognition enable us to control cognitive control processes such as perception, action, memory, reasoning, and/or emoting. Self-regulation is described as a system of conscious personal management that involves the process of guiding one 's own thoughts, behaviors, and feelings to reach goals. Self-regulation is the ability to control our own behavior and prevents us from our impulses in order to reach certain goals. For example, in order to properly save money, I control my urge to engage in impulsive spending and instead walk away from the purchase and save the money for something more important. In self-regulation, the idea is to set goals and align our behavior with those goals, and have the willpower and determination to achieve those goals. Self-regulation is typically needed when there is a conflict of motivations, for example to run away from a fire as opposed to helping to rescue victims of the fire. According to Baumeister et al (2007), there are four
Metacognitive Letter Metacognition- the understanding and awareness of the thought processes of the self. This is known in many academic and professional spheres are reflection because it involves retrospective thinking and finding the value in past experiences. To me, being metacognitive is understanding that one’s ideas and attitudes to particular topics are fluid and are only an effective argument away from being convinced otherwise.
A good understanding of one’s own metacognition is necessary before aiming to understand that of other people. This is referred to as intrapersonal perception. Self-regulation, which involves self-monitoring and self-motivation, is an essential skill required to achieve academic success at university. It focuses on the concept of individuals being able to accurately judge their level of knowledge and determine the effectiveness of methods implemented for exam preparation. This allows evaluation of strengths and weaknesses, enabling individuals to engage in focused study. Students who can effectively do this will excel in their time at university. Conversely, those who lack in this skill can have major implications, such as overestimating their knowledge, thus hindering their success. Debra A. Bercher’s findings sugg...
Unfortunately there are no quick fixes for the problems that plague the modern classrooms; there are only stopgaps and remedies which may be helpful in mitigating the problem until a more permanent solution is attained. These remedies constitute my personal teaching philosophy. One of these remedies involves instructing the students in the act of metacognition, st...
Playing a musical instrument as a hobby, boost the memory. It makes use of both parts of the brain, thus boosts memory power. Research shows that playing a musical instrument at an early age can improve learning ability and memory by arousing different patterns of the brain development. It is also linked to higher IQ levels and physical growth of certain parts of brain. Many people lose touch with their creative side. Playing a musical instrument as a hobby can foster that creativity, especially when you reach advanced levels. This is because, playing the instruments, positively affects, mental, cognitive, emotional abilities and stimulates the b...
Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard, introduced his theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. Multiple intelligence’s is a theory about the brain that says human beings are born with single intelligence that cannot be changed, and is measurable by a psychologist. Gardner believes that there are eight different intelligences in humans. The eight are verbal linguistic, visual spatial, bodily kinesthetic, mathematical logic, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. Understanding these intelligence’s will help us to design our classroom and curriculum in a way that will appeal to all of our students. We might also be able to curve discipline problems by reaching a student in a different way. One that will make more sense to them and more enjoyable. We can include all of the intelligences in lessons to accommodate all of the students’ different learning styles at once. By reaching each students intelligence we can assume that a student will perform better which, could mean students retaining more important information. A students learning style can also help lead them into a more appropriate career direction. As a teacher you can also learn your own personal learning style or intelligence to help improve the way you learn and teach.