Meeting Karen

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I stepped into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. As usual, TreFual was lounging on my desk. "Hey jailbird, how's tricks?" "Not bad," I should have figured that he would know "I brought you some steak back." I said gesturing with the Styrofoam box in my hand. TreFual jumped off my desk and suddenly he was my size. "How do you do that?" "Easy, the same way you shape shift. I'm able to do more with what I've got." Taking the box from my hand, he returned to my desk and sat down. " Then why do you stay 8 inches tall most of the time?" " Mostly, because I think it's funny. Now, shut up and let me eat." I grabbed a novel off my bookshelf and spread out on my bed to enjoy some reading while TreFual ate. Finally, closing the box he dropped it into the wastebasket. " Did you enjoy it?" "I like my steak a little more well done but I enjoyed it. Thanks, kid." Lighting a cigarette, TreFual kicked back in my chair." You did alright today. We're fortunate that the girl didn't die." "Karen?" "Nah, I couldn't give a shit about her. I'm talkin' about the one you hit. If you had hit her just a little harder she would have died and that would have been bad." I sat up "Why?" "Bad publicity. You can't afford to publicly be associated with any killing. It goes against the image we're crafting. It's ok that you hurt her, but killing is a no no." He paused for a moment "Tell you what kid, because you did so well today, I think you deserve a little R&R so I'm canceling training tonight. Go out and have some fun or something." "Cool, thanks!" I had still had questions but I swallowed them. Because, if I asked a stupid one TreFual would not only cancel R&R but give me twice the work as punishment. I immediately went down stairs and to... ... middle of paper ... ...east a week. I offered to get her assignments for her. Mrs. Chang appreciated that. Karen did not. I realized that it was time to go. Mrs. Chang and I exchanged numbers before I left. On the way home, I stopped to price some upholstery work. My dad and I decided to have the seats in the Pantera redone. I think my dad loved this car almost as much as I do. To be honest, working on it together had brought our relationship to a whole new level. After waiting around for about 30 minutes. Richard, the guy that owned the shop was able to take a look and price out the job. He gave me the estimate. I told him that I would talk it over with my dad and get back to him. We shook on it and I headed out. I drove around for awhile but there wasn't much to do. It was a school day so I couldn't get in to any of the fun places until 3:00pm. I went home to see what was for lunch.

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