Measles Persuasive Speech

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Parents around the world should and need to get the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine, which prevents kids from getting Measles, Mumps, or Rubella (MMR). The vaccine is given to babies between 12-15 months, and is permanent. Measles is a disease that typically causes fever, coughs, running nose, pink eye, and a distinctive rash which are all bad and all can be prevented if parents get their children vaccinated.

First of all the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine is highly fast and effective. Measles are very contagious when an infected person sneezes or coughs, the germs stay in the air for 2 hours and someone is uninfected and walks in it then they are infected with Measles. In the article “10 things to know about measles” by Andrew Bridges, the author why how measles are very contagious and one person can start an outbreak. elaborates ten things that the everyday person to know about measles the texts states that “ Some people had caught the measles while in another country.Unfortunately, once back in the United States, they reminded infectious. And spread the virus. It is likely one (or more) such travelers visited the Disneyland parks in December. They triggered the major 2015 outbreak.” This explains why parents around the world need to do their part, …show more content…

For every 1,000 kids are diagnosed with measles 1 or 2 die although that might not be a lot when your child is killed by measles you think differently about measles. In the article “10 things to know about measles” by Andrew Bridges the author elaborates ten things that the everyday person to know about measles, the text states “In the United States alone, back then, an estimated 3 million to 4 million people were sickened each year...Among these,some 400 to 500 people died and 48,000 were so ill they needed to go to the

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