Meaning Of Telenursing In Nursing

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Telenursing is defined as the delivery, management, and coordination of care and services provided via telecommunications technology within the domain of nursing (American Association of Ambulatory Care Nursing, 2004). The terms “telehealth nursing,” and “telenursing,” are used interchangeably. To illustrate telehealth nursing the terms “home telehealth nursing” and “telehomecare nursing” are expressions having the same meaning. Both of these terms describe using technology and advancements in health care in the home care setting, in order to deliver nursing care remotely by a qualified health care provider.


Telenursing dates back to the 1970s when hospital caregivers reached out to offsite experts for …show more content…

An example would be a patient who needs to have cardiac monitoring to rule out cardiac disease or irregularities. These patients can now be observed remotely in the comfort of their homes through the use of a small device inserted under the skin. The device is accessed with no knowledge of the patient during anytime day or night. Medical staff can then contact patients when they are having a potential cardiac emergency and request that they get immediate emergency attention saving lives. These devices are regularly placed in outpatient care clinics around the …show more content…

Simmons ' philosophy is if medicine is going someplace, he would like to get there first (Brazell, 2015). With just a click of a mouse, he is allowed to connect to several MUSC pediatric subspecialists, ranging from dermatologists to nutritionists. One of the most frequent specialties receiving referrals is psychiatry. Simmons sees the need for more availability for these children to get help and sees using technology as the way of the future in obtaining it for

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