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Max weber essay on bureaucracy
Max weber essay on bureaucracy
Max weber essay on bureaucracy
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Max Weber, a German sociologist believed bureaucracy to be the ideal organisation. Bureaucratic organisations have existed for hundreds of years. Dynastic China and ancient Rome are two empires that incorporated bureaucracy into their core structure. Much of their success and expansion can be attributed to the use of effective bureaucracy. As great as these empires were at their peak, ultimately they collapsed and fell into ruin. While it may be seen as the logical approach to controlling and ruling a large amount of people, at the end of the day bureaucratic organisations will not succeed.
Max Weber believed there to be six major principles in a bureaucratic organisation. The first was that there was to be a formal hierarchical structure which would centralise decision making as each level would control the level beneath them. Another principle was that each employee would specialise in the area they had the tactical advantage in and that promotion as well employment would be based solely on their abilities and merit. Supervisors had to have an impersonal and formal relationship when dealing with their subordinates. There were to be official rules, to ensure the consistency of work performance. The regulations
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While bureaucracy’s sounds like the most rational and logical way even Max Weber himself, believed it to be an ‘iron cage’ which traps individuals in systems based simply on teleological efficiency and control. Technological advances have created new forms of organisations leaving the traditional bureaucratic organisations out of date and obsolete. The control and predictability that bureaucracies bring have no place in the 21st century. Flexibility and creativity is essential in our ever changing environment. Firms confined by strict controls are less able to adapt to the ever changing
According to text, a company who follows Weber’s theory will have a, “strict reliance on rules, division of labor, and a clearly established hierarchy in which power is centralized, (Miller, 25). This is clearly seen in the Carson’s location, prior to Fuller’s arrival. There is a separation of power with Carson’s old management and the employees. Employees were expected to complete tasks correctly, if not management would “step on their throats,” (ARTICLE). Management had all the power, and did not consult their employees when making decisions. These are all examples of Weber’s theory, as well as examples of why the Carson’s location needed a change in
Top-level managers in bureaucratic organizational structures exercise a great deal of control over organizational strategy decisions, which is ideal for business owners with a command and control style. As for the disadvantages, bureaucratic structures can discourage creativity and innovation throughout the organization. No matter how ingenious a business owner is, it is virtually impossible for a single individual to generate the range of strategic ideas possible in a large, interdisciplinary
Often, when the discussion of American bureaucracy is broached in conversation, those holding these conversations often think of the many men and women who operate behind the scenes within the government. This same cross section of Americans is looked upon as the real power within the federal government and unlike the other branches of government, has little to no oversight. A search of EBSCO resulted in the following definition, an organization “structure with a rigid hierarchy of personnel, regulated by set rules and procedures” (Bureaucracy, 2007). Max Weber believed that a bureaucracy was technically the most efficient form of organization, one structured around official functions that are bound by rules, each function having its own specified competence (2007). This wide ranging group of Americans has operated within the gaps, behind the scenes, all under the three core branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The division of government into three branches and separate powers gives each branch both exclusive powers and some additional power...
Once set up, bureaucracy is inherently conservative. The reason the bureaucracy was initiated may not continue to exist as a need in the future. The need or reason may change with a change in the times and the culture needs. A bureaucracy tends to make decisions that protect it and further it’s own existence, possibly apart from the wishes of the populace. It may not consistently reflect what might be optimal in terms of the needs and wants of the people.
Bureaucracy has been the main form of organisation for over a century and can be characterised by the following: functional specialisation, employees carrying out one function of activity as their primary role; hierarchy of authority, those in superior positions having authority based solely on the virtue of the position itself; a system of rules, the tasks of the organisation following a formal set of procedures and practices; and impersonality, individuals being treated on the basis of the rules rather than emotions and personality (Knights & Willmott, 2012). The mainstream perspective states that a bureaucratic organisation’s central aim is to maximise efficiency, objectivity and fairness and can be thought of as a ‘machine’ with the people making up the components (Knights & Willmott, 2012). This view attributes three problems to this rule-centred organisation: poor motivation, poor customer service and a resistance to innovation and change (Knights & Willmott, 2012). Employees in bureaucratic organisations tend not to be committed to their
On the other hand, the political and anarchical models focus on dissimilar goals. In terms of leadership, operations, decision-making, and change, the bureaucratic and anarchical archetypes appear to be at odds. While the bureaucratic model is completely managed by one person or one set of policies, the anarchical model relies on the group as a whole to make decisions surrounding change and operations. Collegial and political archetypes are a little more similar. Both seem to have a leadership structure, but decisions are made with input from non-leadership as
...eet customer demands thus flexibility is key. However there are criticism of post-bureaucracy for example if a company decides to subcontract due to insufficient supply of workers, this would decrease the workers production which would mean that the company is not flexible thus not agreeing with a feature of post-bureaucracy as well as there would be a key difference between pay. There are many factors encourage companies to move from bureaucracy to post-bureaucracy. For example technology requires companies to work together because they are innovative, a company can be skilled but there is always something the company cannot develop thus networking and sharing information is important. Bureaucracy could not cope with the pace of change; information technology meant that there was more external control allowing informal relationships and a minimal division of labor.
Organizations in today’s world need to adapt and overcome many obstacles that are predictable as well as unpredictable. Max Weber outlines the five basic principles of bureaucracy which are as follows: The Division of Labor, Hierarchy of Authority, Written Rules and Regulations, Impersonality Principal, and Technical Qualifications. These basic principals were designed to maximize productivity and assert authority over subordinates in the workforce. (Weber, 1968) In present day the basic principles of Weber’s bureaucratic design are still visible in just about every organization. The only variable is to what extent they are applied.
Similarly in Weber’s bureaucratic approach, organizations are divided into different echelons with each varying in its degrees of influence. Each unit being commanded by the one above it, a system that promotes stability and has a predictable line of communication. Both approaches of management rely heavily on regulated control. Whether governing task scientifically of people authoritatively. A solid form of control is mus...
The classical school of organization theory dominated administrations from the early 1900’s well into the 1930’s, and it is still relevant today in many of the contemporary organization theories. Shafritz states that classical organization theory was the first theory of its kind, and serves as the foundation of other schools organization theory (Shafritz, Ott, & Jang, 2011, p. 32). Classical organization theory includes scientific management approach, bureaucratic approach, and administrative management approach. Several major theorists of classical organization were Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, Henri Fayol, and Luther Gulick.
There are three well-established theories of classical management: Taylor?s Theory of Scientific Management, Fayol?s Administrative Theory, Weber?s Theory of Bureaucracy. Although these schools, or theories, developed historical sequence, later ideas have not replaced earlier ones. Instead, each new school has tended to complement or coexist with previous ones.
‘Weber emphasized on top-down control in the form of monocratic hierarchy that is a system of control in which policy is set at the top and carried out through a series of offices, whereby every manager and employee are to report to one person in top management and held accountable by that manager’ (Pfiffner, 2004, p. 1).
According to Sapru R.K. (2008) p370-371 the traditional ideal of public administration which inclined to be firm and bureaucratic was based on processes instead of outcomes and on setting procedures to follow instead of focusing on results. This paradigm can be regarded as an administration under formal control of the political control, constructed on a firmly ranked model of bureaucracy, run by permanent and neutral public servants, driven only by public concern. In emerging nations the administration was true bureaucracy meaning government by officers. In this perspective Smith (1996) p235-6 perceived that“the bureaucracy controls and manages the means of production through the government. It increases chances for bureaucratic careers by the creation of public figures,demanding public managers, marketing boards.
A German sociologist Max Weber was the first person who describe about the term bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is a means to create efficient institution staffed with trained experts who work permanently, whose jurisdiction is prearranged by laws and regulations, and whose responsibility comprises of applying plain broad rules to specific circumstances (Weber, 1946).
Bureaucracy is an organizational design based on the concept of standardization. “It is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, very formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision making that follows the chain of command” (Judge & Robbins, 2007, p.