Maternity Leave in Australia

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Maternity Leave in Australia

Maternity leave allows women to take leave of absence from their job

to give birth and care for their children. The International Labor

Organisation sets minimum standards for maternity leave. These include

a right to 12 weeks' paid maternity leave and prohibition against

dismissal during maternity leave. Although a member of the ILO,

Australia has never ratified its convention concerning maternity

protection ---- we have no standard maternity leave provisions.

Australian law entitles women to 12 months' unpaid leave and for more

than 25 years the Commonwealth Employees Act has entitled Commonwealth

employees to paid maternity leave. About two-thirds of women in the

workforce, however, are not entitled to paid maternity leave and many

working women are ineligible for unpaid leave because they are casual


Is it time to change maternity leave entitlements in Australia?

Australia has one of the least generous maternity leave provisions of

industrialised nations. Australiaand the...

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