Maslow And Job Satisfaction

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IT IS THE LEVEL OF FULFILLMENT AN INDIVIDUAL FEELS TOWARDS THE JOB. If introspected deeply then there are different aspects that influence this sense of fulfillment. It is a continuous process and the perspective changes in different stage of life.
If we correlate job satisfaction to MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS, we primarily address the rewards of an organization to employee satisfaction and life cycle.

Few models of job satisfaction if applied correctly to appropriate employee will help managers attain higher levels of job satisfaction.
MODEL Theory Manager Implications
Need Fulfillment When expectations are met employee is satisfied such as pay, promotion Managers can take opinions to assess whether employees …show more content…

The above co-relation between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and perception of job satisfaction for employees at different stages of life will help managers understand what pleases the employees and how to connect performance goals to them. Thereby achieving a win-win situation for the company by accomplishing organizational objectives and employee job satisfaction.
Through2 a continuous course of dialogue between a manager and an employee that happens throughout the year, with an aim of completing the strategic objectives of the organization. This includes stating expectation, setting objectives, recognizing goals, providing advice and reviewing results. This is called PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT.
It3 helps direct employee behavior with organizational objectives and goals. The reason for performance management is to aid employee decision making and development. Employee decision making in terms of pay raises, promotions, transfers, project assignments etc. Employee development in terms of training, mentoring, succession planning and other developmental activities. Executives make monetary decisions based on performance …show more content…

Data distribution and employees’ better accepting of the firm’s goals and their part in the attainment of these may make them feel more closely connected to the company and the environment.
4. Employees may identify their careers to be more safe or their job prospects to be good.
5. The gaining of the skills and information through performance management may increase pleasure and satisfaction through its influence on the person’s career path, self-worth, and the ability to learn and be proactive.
6. Providing opportunity to employees get more involved in the company will make them feel respected and that their impact is appreciated.
7. For a few employees being directly involved in and being constantly updated about the firm’s goals and its development will create meaningfulness for both work and company participation. This will improve the shared worth of the job.
8. Managers who welcome feedback from employees in any form achieve greater levels of employee job satisfaction and develop trust amongst their own employees.
9. Financial benefits such as stock options, profit sharing etc. help manifest a common goal between the employee and the management such as overall profitability of the company. Managers should link the setting of objectives, individual goals to such

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