Martin Luther

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Eric Till's Luther follows the religious reformation lead by Martin Luther. This film, written by Camille Thomasson and Bart Gaviganis, is set in 16th century Germany and Rome. It explores the religious side the given period of history by following a Catholic monk, Luther. Luther is played by Joseph Fiennes, in this 2003 motion picture. The movie Luther exemplifies political, economic, and social situations relevant to the lives of people at that time, and connects back to actual historical information. The movie Luther captures the life of a monk, Martin Luther, who has his eyes opened to the downfalls and corruption present in the Catholic Church. In Germany, he watches peasants be fooled into buying indulgences that promise to reduce their time in purgatory. This claim is false; they are only being sold to raise money to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Luther is outraged by this unjust practice, and he begins to go out and preach the truth and encourage reform by writing 95 Theses. When people read 95 Theses they were amazed, and the Catholic Church became threatened by him as more people started to follow him. The church continually tries to eliminate him and his teachings, but they only spread. Luther captures the struggle of one man vying for justice and reform. Luther exemplifies some of the political aspects present in life during the 16th century. Now, the first of these is that the Catholic Church held a large amount of the political power at that time. The church had influence over almost everything. To the people of this time, faith was almost everything to them, and if they were under the threat of excommunication, they were almost certain to give in to what the church wanted. This is apparent because excomm... ... middle of paper ... ...olted. This ended in violence, and Luther announced that, that was note hat he wanted or intended. This uprising and the denouncing of it by Martin Luther was, again, captured in both Luther and class topics. The movie Luther exemplifies political, economic, and social situations relevant to the lives of people at that time, and connects back to actual historical information. As the film follows the life of the formerly catholic monk seeking reform, it provides a look into the lives of the people living in 16th century Europe. The political dominance of the Catholic Church is shown, as well as the economic influence it has on the people it governed. Also, it's effect on the social lives of European citizens during its corruption is exploited. Overall, Luther is a historically accurate film capturing the fight for justice and reform.

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