Marriage And Religion

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Marriage is a process that recognizes the union that a man and a woman have, whilst joining two people together as one. In the catholic church, marriage is seen to express the love that Jesus Christ has for his people, and is a sacrament that is celebrated in the church with a community of believers. It is also seen to reflect an image of the love which God has for his creations. Marriage is a covenant between two people that is sealed by God himself, and this is integrated into God’s covenant with man. Marriage perfects a couples love whilst strengthening their bond and solidifying their unity. Marriage must be between a man and a woman, both of whom has to be baptised and freely offer consent. God is the author of marriage, and the vocation …show more content…

This is why sexual intercourse is only permitted after marriage, also this is why homosexual relationships are not permitted, because there is no way they can be procreative. Not only are married couples required to create offspring, they are also responsible to educate their children and teach them to live in the way that god had intended. The bond between a married man and woman is indissoluble, and God declared that what he had joined together could not be separated. This means that once married a couple shouldn’t part ways, but this has become more challenging in recent times due to how easy it is to divorce. If a man divorces his wife and then marries again after that, in the eyes of the church he is committing adultery, the same goes for …show more content…

“The vocation of marriage is a call to a life of holiness and service within the couple’s own relationship and their family. As a particular way of following the Lord, this vocation also challenges a couple to live their marriage in a way that expresses God’s truth and love in the world.” This quote encapsulates one way that a married couple are called to live out the vocation of married life, by committing to a life of holiness within their relationship and their family and serving them as well. A couple could be holy in their relationship by not committing acts such as adultery or theft from one another, and they could demonstrate this holiness to their family by not promoting sinful acts such as jealousy and greed. By living out their marriage lovingly and with care, they are inadvertently expressing God’s love and truth to their family and their community. The call to love one another is a vocation that is fundamental in all humans across the globe, the vocation of marriage is written in the very nature of all men and women. “Marriage could be called a ‘natural’ vocation. God, who is love, has created us in his own image and likeness, and planted in our hearts a longing to love and be loved. And it is perfectly natural that as men and women we should want this love to be fulfilled in the love of

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