Marriage And Life Satisfaction In Kyrgyzstan

612 Words2 Pages

This paper explores the links between social relations, gender and life satisfaction within a traditional society. We are all searching for happiness, and in doing so making choices on the numerous crossroads in life. Throughout the history of human civilization great philosophers have been engaged in searching for a universal recipe and its ingredients which, combined in the right proportions, will lead to private happiness contributing to happiness and wellbeing for all. Besides purely economic determinants of well-being, such as personalhousehold income and employment, there is one of the most interesting evidences in social sciences that satisfaction with life also come from social relations that individuals have with family, friends, workmates and fellow community members. If the source of lasting satisfaction is a deep interpersonal relationships, marriage might yield a larger impact on happiness than others, especially within a framework of traditional society.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze current marriage practices in the Kyrgyz Republic with regard to the subj...

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