Regulations around food trucks can very wildly depending on locations. They must meet many similar codes and regulations that restaurants do because of food safely laws(“How to Start a Retail Food Business”) . They must also be knowledgeable able of all of the local sanitation regulations. A lack of regulations though is linked with a growth in the industry (Odendahl 2012). Vending laws also play a big part, when and where can your truck operate? Your location influence this a lot. Liz Leslie (2013) used Indianapolis as an example on how regulations influence the food truck business;
“Two years ago, a city ordinance threatened the burgeoning food truck scene by prohibiting vendors from selling food between 10:00pm and 6:00am. Since the initial brouhaha, Indianapolis mayor Greg Ballard has largely been on the side of food trucks. Now, with its low regulation, Indianapolis is seen as a welcoming town for food trucks, as compared to other more regulation-heavy cities like Chicago or New York.”
A natural regulations that’s out side of any ones control is the weather (Gaur 2013). Rain, snow, and tornados can restrict when you can be open, and how many consumers will choose you over an inside option. The weather can also be used to your advantage, like an ice cream truck on a hot summer day.
Because they are like any other small business they must pay taxes, insurance on the truck and equipment, and any licensing fees (Jacobs).
The Big Cheeze is a fairly popular food truck that serves a variety of gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. On Facebook the Big Cheese has 1,870 likes and almost daily updating locations, schedule, and menu changes. Looking through their picture I found mostly pictures of...
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..., 2014, from
Odendahl, M. (2012, August 1). Indiana State Bar Association. Indiana Legal News. Retrieved February 15, 2014, from
Seo, J. (2013, August 8). The New Cool Kid on the Block: How Food Trucks Evolved From Roach Coaches to Cultural Phenomena. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 15, 2014, from
Social Media Marketing…For Food Trucks?. (2013, September 26). ModernLifeBlogs RSS. Retrieved February 15, 2014, from
Street Vendors in the US: Market Research Report. (n.d.). Street Vendors in the US Market Research. Retrieved February 15, 2014, from
Washington Law Review, Vol. 86, Issue 4 (December 2011), pp. 841-874 Barnum, Jeffrey C. 86 Wash. L. Rev. 841 (2011)
[5] "Increasing Number of Regulations Challenge Manufacturers." Industry Week. N.p., 24 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. .
The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, a work examining the country’s fast food industry (Gale). Schlosser sets off chapter 5: “Why the Fries Taste Good,” in Aberdeen,
The legality involved in operating a business is very momentous to both the owner and operators the company. Ones may not have knowledge of all the details; however, he or she should be acquainted with UCC regulations. When owners and operators understand UCC regulations, he or she can operate the business with more efficiency legally.
Social media is a key tool that has changed both our everyday lives and the way we do business. In the modern world, almost everyone who has a smart phone – and most of those who have computers - also hold accounts on a social media company. Currently, In N Out Burger and Shake Shack, two of America’s most buzz-worthy restaurants, are exhibiting great success at using the social media world to promote their businesses. Both companies have established a presence on many of the most popular social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Each of these burger-focused restaurants, however, has demonstrated a very different approach to their social media.
Trucking has been a relevant career in the United States ever since the 19th century during WWI the army used trucks to transport goods to the soldiers. People in the towns and cities saw they were good transporter so as roads were built and paved more people start owning them. The Interstate Highway System was a big movement for truckers now they could haul there companies goods farther to other cities. The Motor Carrier Act of 1980 helped drivers who went on strike because of the price of gas to run and operate the trucks. Alex Debogorski was a long haul trucker introduced to trucking when he was looking to earn more money to do for his family. As he drove he realized how good the open road looks as the road meet the sky. Now he is on some of CMT’s episodes of Ice Road Truckers, he said If it wasn’t for his parents and wife he wouldn’t have made it. He also open the door for most of the truckers with criminal records. He helped pas the law that states if your drving record is good you can go in for the long haul.
The National Hockey League (NHL) is one of the most popular sports in the United States. The professional sports industry is based on profit, competition, and growth. This industry which includes, baseball, football, basketball and hockey has the ability to generate approximately $8 billion in revenues annually. This revenue is generated from, ticket profits, media revenues, licensing fees for names and logos, merchandising revenues, endorsements, luxury sky boxes, parking fees, and concessions. One famous hockey team is the New York Islander’s (NYI), who became the dominant team after winning the 1983 finals. Their fame quickly diminished in 1984 when they lost the Stanley cup finals against Edmonton Oilers, four games to one. The Islanders have not won another title since that time which resulted the team to enter a slump that would be difficult to recover from as fan attendance and sales began to decrease for the team. With fans on their last legs the New York Islander’s management team must attempt to pull this team from the miserable slump they are in. Management must develop a...
America”. The Georgetown Law Journal. 80.95 (1991): 95-129. Georgetown Law Library. Web. 16 Jun 2014
Oct 1993. Retrieved November 18, 2010. Vol. 79. 134 pages (Document ID: 0747-0088) Published by American Bar Association
the city they will tend to stop somewhere like KFC or pick up Chinese food and take it home because it is close, fast, and everyone can not resist eating it. To take a case in this point, for example, in Orlando, Florida they have over four hundred and sixty-three fast food restaurants. Per 100,00 residents they have about 196 fast food joints to feed
One cannot start their career as a trucker without proper and authenticated commercial driving license. This license distinguishes a genuinely skilled big auto driver from general car drivers. Truck driving is obviously a tough job which includes various risks and responsibilities. The truck driver not
Over the past decade, debates regarding the fast food industry occur frequently. Its substantial impact on the world has changed a way of life, specifically in the United States. The concept of the fast food industry was to create a method that would allow people to purchase cooked food at a faster rate than preparing a meal at home. This method was first introduced to deliver options to those who needed to chow down for lunch but did not have the availability to sit at a restaurant. Although this concept increasingly became famous for its low price and its aspects of social dining, most people are dependent on this method of eating for most of its meals. Most people are aware of its dangers it can have on someone’s health; however, fast foods’ marketing strategies allow companies to maintain it corporate power in the global economy. The most popular fast-food chain is undoubtedly McDonalds.
Keating Daniel. The University Of Chicago Law Review. 1986, Vol 53, Issue 1, p 258.
Defense." Southern Illinois University Law Journal 30.(2006): 533-571. OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 2 Apr. 2014.
That is the reason that it is highly susceptible to a huge number of laws and regulations in order to ensure the health and safety of the consumers.