Market Basket Analysis And Market Basket Analysis: Data Mining

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This chapter gives the overview of the Association Rule Mining. It gives the importance of the Market Basket Analysis and its usefulness in increasing the sales of the supermarket. This chapter also provides an overview of the data mining process used in market basket analysis and the proposed approaches. The works of a few scientists are cited and utilized as proof to confidence the ideas clarified in the theory. Every such proof utilized is recorded as a part of the reference area of this thesis.
1.1 Overview
Currently the world has a wealth of data, stored all over the planet (the Internet and Web are prime examples), but it is needed to be understand that data. It has been stated that the amount of data doubles approximately …show more content…

Data mining has emerged as an important method to discover useful information, hidden patterns or rules from different types of datasets. Association rule mining is one of the dominating data mining technologies. Association rule mining is a process for finding associations or relations between data items or attributes in large datasets. Association rule is one of the most popular techniques and an important research issue in the area of data mining and knowledge discovery for many different purposes such as data analysis, decision support, patterns or correlations discovery on different types of datasets. Association rule mining has been proven to be a successful technique for extracting useful information from large datasets. Various algorithms or models were developed many of which have been applied in various application domains that include telecommunication networks, market analysis, risk management, inventory control and many others …show more content…

Nonetheless, there is no viable strategy to use these databases productively and to locate the important relationship in the middle of them. Association rule mining finds fascinating Association or connection among a lot of data things. With immense measures of data always being gathered and amassed, numerous enterprises and stores are demonstrating enthusiasm for mining relationship from this substantial accumulation of business exchange records, as it can help with numerous business basic leadership procedures, for example, index plan, cross-advertising and

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