Mark Watney's The Martian

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Now you may ask what is “Science Fiction”, well the actual definition is “is a broad genre of fiction that often involves speculations based on current or future science or technology” (GoodReads). As one of the greatest genres to come Science Fiction can take a real life scenario and makes it a thrilling because every word is plausible in real life. For example, look at the book and now major motion picture The Martian by Andy Weir, where a man by the name of Mark Watney accidently gets left behind on a NASA mission on Mars. While left on Mars, Watney does some incredible things. When The Martian was adapted to a movie a lot of important details of Mark Watney’s survival were amiss. Andy Weir had so much information crammed into this book …show more content…

At SOL 63 Watney states, “I finished making water a long time ago. I’m no longer in danger of blowing myself up. The potatoes are growing nicely. Nothing has conspired to kill me in weeks. Seventies TV keeps me disturbingly more entertained than it should. Things are stable on Mars. It’s time to start thinking long term” (65). This shows that Watney for the most part has fulfilled his needs, and now wants to start focusing on other things like his crops and planning for future endeavors. Water was one of the biggest challenges of survival that Watney faced because without it he would’ve die within 3 days which makes it dramatically more important than food because he could last roughly 3 weeks without food (LiveScience). Around SOL 117 NASA started getting worried because the water reclaimer was acting up and wandered if Watney really had enough water, “Okay, technically I’m lying. The plants aren’t entirely water-neutral. They strip the hydrogen from some of it (releasing the oxygen) and use it to make the complex hydrocarbons that are the plant itself. But it’s a very small loss and I made like 600 liters of water from MDV fuel. I could take baths and still have plenty left over. NASA, however, is absolutely shitting itself. They see the water reclaimer as a critical survival element. There’s no backup, and they think I’ll die instantly without it. To them, equipment failure is terrifying. To me, it’s “Tuesday.” (152)”. This perfectly describes how Watney handles situations with humor and the mind set of nothing can stop me! He is so confident in his abilities to retain water that if he did so please could waste some through actives like taking baths. Having all of this water is nice and all but in all reality is it really doing him any good? In total the Water Reclaimer can handle about 20 liters of

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