Mark Antony's Speech in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Mark Antony's Speech in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Before the speech

By now Julius Caesar had been brutally murdered by Brutus and co.

Brutus and the rest feel that they want to be ruled by more than 1

person. Then Brutus announces to the mob 'death for his ambition' the

mob being very gullible beleive that this is true and when Mark Antony

is allowed to make a speech he is in fear for his life.

Effectiveness of the speach

He starts with "friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears",

asking them to listen, addressing them as friendly people.

"I come to bury Caesar not to praise him", trying to be on the mobs


"The evil that men do lives after them", "the good is off interred",

saying that he did have good qualities but it is an iplicit


"Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest-for Brutus is an honourable

man", Saying Brutus is in charge, he is keeping the crowd happy.

"Come I to speak in Caesars funeral, he was my friend faithful and

just to me", These are 2 very powerful compliments.

"But Brutus says he is ambitious, and Brutus is an honourable man", He

is implying that Brutus is right.

"He hath brought ............. general coffers fill", telling them of

the riches he brought to Rome.

"Did this in Caesar seem ambitious", now starting to question the


"When the poorer have cried, Caesar hath wept ; Ambition should be

made of sterner stuff", "Yet Brutus says he was ambitious", this is

not an ambitious character but Brutus must be correct because he is


"You all did see ....... which he did thrice refuse. Was this

ambition?", if he was ambitious...

... middle of paper ... To every Roman citizen he

gives, to every several man, seventy five drachmas", Caesars will is

very good and crowd about to go mad.

"Most noble Caesar! W'ell revenge his death

"He hath left you all his walks, his private arbours and new plaated

orchards, on this side Tiber ; he hath left them you, and to your

heirs for ever - common pleasure" "When comes such another", he has

gave them a lot but when will we ever see anyone like him again.

They talk about praising Ceasar

"Now let it work. Mischief, thou ar afoot, take thou what course thou

wilt", do what you want

His character

Mark Antony is a very good orator, he did not have much time to plan

this speech but with the time he had he made a very strong speech

which let the crowd think, put them in charge and changed their

opinions of Caesar.

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