Marjane's Loss Of Innocence In Persepolis

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In 1980 it was the start of the Iran-Iraq war. The most recent Shah of Iran had just left the throne and fled to get away from the Islamic revolution. Marjane Satrapi represents how imperialism, social classes, and loss of innocence affected people in Iran during the 1980’s. She represents this in her book, Persepolis. Marjane wrote this book as a child during the Iran imperialism and revolution. They had eventually went into war, in which Marjane was there for. She grew up in a political home where her parents were politically active and also very religious. They made Marjane become a very strong and opinionated girl. Marjane and her family were better off than other families, making her opinion different than some children in Iran.
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This picture represents the loss of innocence because in the Holy Bible, it is explained that Adam and Eve were made perfect and had been told to not eat from a specific tree. They had then eaten from the tree that they had been told not to eat from and suddenly “ the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked” (Genesis 3:7). This can relate to Marjane because she grew up as a very opinionated and hopeful child because her parents were politically active, especially her mom. Her mom had protested against the veil and then eventually ended up being on newspapers and articles, so she had to take the extreme and dye her hair to not be recognized in public (Satrapi, 5). Marjane grew up with many hopes and dreams, one being the biggest, becoming a prophet (Satrapi, 7). Marjane’s parents encouraged her dreams while some other people told Marjane that it would never happen. People in Iran believed that religion was very important and that you should stand up for what you believe in at all times, even if you get put in jail or even die for it as a Martyr. People in Iran had praised Martyrs for always being so brave. Marjane would be proud of anyone who would get beat or put in jail. Her and her friends were competing, trying to see what relative was put in jail or had the worst punishment for standing up for their beliefs. This is a sign of innocence because the children do not see the pain caused by this. They think that it is good that they are getting beat because they are standing up for religion, when it is actually a very difficult standpoint from the victim’s point of

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