Marital Rape Essay

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Social Attitudes and Legal Environment Surrounding Marital Rape

Sexual desire and interactions are an essential and apparent part of the human experience. This experience can create a wonderful and necessary bond between sexual partners to produce intimacy, trust and satisfaction both physically and emotionally. Beyond the scope of receiving pleasure and building relationships that are vital to our development, sex is undoubtedly a crucial element to our survival through reproduction. Unfortunately, when a sexual experience is involved with violence against one partner, it can lead to devastating results to the relationship, the victims and their close ones. One line definition: One of the most prevalent crimes of sex which is also hugely covert is marital rape in which a partner of an intimate relationship does not consent to the act of sex with their significant other.
The instances of marital rape occur largely with women but not always. For the purpose of exploring the thesis of this paper, the primary focus will be marital rape against women. The analysis will include the exploration of a wide arrange of aspects concerning the issue of marital rape: the historical and cultural context, the physical and psychological damage, relations to other forms of violence, and lastly the legal actions that should be implemented in the effort of protecting against marital rape.
Marital rape is a real and serious offense that produces permanent physical, psychological and emotional to the victims of rape and therefore it deserves more legal recognition that hopefully would lead to vigorous legal actions and appropriate protection for the victims as well as punishment for the penetrators.
According to the RAINN or Rape, Abuse & Incest N...

... middle of paper ... of the phenomenon within the general public and more decisive legal enforcement, we can be hopeful that this type of violence against women will one day be eradicated.

In conclusion, we have illustrated the effects of marital rapes on the victims and why there needs to be a vigorous push in the legal environment regarding the issue. In the fight of equality for all, it is impossible to ignore this phenomenon which has been taken as a fact of life due to long-standing traditions of cruelty against women. In spreading information on the consequences of marital rape and possible solutions for victims, the general public will be able to alter their mindset which will translate to more open discussions, deconstruct myths and skepticism surrounding marital rape, and ultimately changes in the way in which the laws work to protect victims and prosecute the aggressors.

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