Marigolds Theme

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Have you ever read the book Marigolds?Well if you haven't the book is by the author Eugenia Collier and the genre of the book is a fiction.Im writing this story to tell people who have and haven't read the story the theme of it and give details about what happened in the story and express why I think it matters to the teens in the world today. There will always be ugly things in the world,but you have to look deep within to find the beauty of it all.That's the first theme of the story.One example of why i say that is,And one other thing i remember,another incongruence of memory-a brilliant splash of sunny yellow against the dust Miss Lottie's Marigolds on page 213,lines 12-14 in the collection textbook.Another example of my statement is whenever a memory of those marigolds flashes across my mind,a strange nostalgia comes with it and remains long

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