Marble Chips Experiment

601 Words2 Pages

Marble Chips Experiment


Aim: To investigate how the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect

the speed of reaction with marble chips.

Prediction: I predict that the more hydrochloric acid there is the

faster the chemical reaction. I also predict that the more dilute the

acid is (the more water there is with the acid) the slower the

chemical reaction.

Hypothesis: I predicted what I did because the more concentrated the

hydrochloric acid is the more energy there will be and so therefore

the more collisions there will be. More collisions occur when there

are more acid particles. It is the acid particles that create the

collisions and it is the collisions that lead to the reaction. In a

dilute acid or a mixture of more water than acid, there will be a

slower reaction because there are less acid particles. When there are

few acid atoms, there is less of a chance that a collision will occur

between the acid and marble chips particles.

Independent Variable: I will be changing the amount of mixture

containing the three molar hydrochloric acid and water. This is to

see how much the concentration of acid affects the speed of reaction

to the marble chips. I will have 30 ml of mixture and split it in to

three to get three results to gain an average. The concentrations

will be in the ratios of 30 acid:0 water, 25 acid:5 water, 20 acid:10

water, 15 acid:15 water and finally 10 acid : 20 water. This is an

appropriate range of results as there is not a huge gap between them.

From these ranges, it will be easy to view trends and patterns and

anomalous results.

Dependent Variable: I will be measuring the rate of reaction. I will

measure the rate by timing how long it takes for the water in the

measuring cylinder, to reach a certain point/mark on the cylinder. In

this case I will time how long it takes for the water to reach the ’50

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