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Arguments for and against compulsory vaccinations
Arguments for and against compulsory vaccinations
Arguments for and against compulsory vaccinations
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Recommended: Arguments for and against compulsory vaccinations
The debate of whether individuals should get vaccinated or not is one of many unresolved health issues to be explored in this essay. Vaccines stimulate the antibodies in your immune system to ward off infection. This topic is controversial because many believe that vaccinations prevent diseases and others believe that vaccinations are disease producers. There are many articles touting vaccines as being extremely helpful for the human body and then there are articles stating vaccines are extremely dangerous. This essay will cover the pros and cons of individuals getting vaccinated. Vaccines are the contemporary medicine that is on the market to prevent many infectious diseases. About 80-93% of United States population have been …show more content…
Every vaccine requires multiple doses before showing immunity to the disease it’s trying to prevent. Many individuals worry that vaccines are “temporarily increasing antibodies for a particular disease, but does not equate to immunity to disease.” (Samuelson 4). About “1 million children have an allergic reaction” to a vaccine that can result in death. (ProsCons.org 4). In February 2017, scientists from Germany have tested many vaccines to see what substances were inside the “life-saving” medications. The German scientists found that “small amount of mercury” were found inside “mercury-free vaccine.” (Alber 16). Mercury is a heavy metal preservative found in vaccines that could affect the nervous system resulting in neurological impairment. Arsenic another dangerous substance found in vaccines was recognized by German scientists. (Alber 16). Arsenic is a poison that can give the body skin cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, and heart diseases. According to the CDC, most vaccines can have deadly side effects, for example, Rotavirus Vaccines was eliminated from the pharmacy in 1999 because of “life-threatening bowel obstruction or twisting of the bowel.” (Healthy Home Economist 32). Another vaccine with a life-threatening side effect is the flu shots which can result in the “small risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.” (CDC 43). Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a condition that makes the immune system attack the nervous system. Pneumococcal vaccine is linked to fevers that lead to seizures that can cause damage to the nervous system. (CDC 43). Is vaccination appropriate for anybody and
¨The Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks¨ addresses the pros and cons of vaccination, weighing the possible side effects of different vaccines against the possible benefits. The article argues that the small chance of side effects is worth the protection a vaccine provides. Claiming that the prevented diseases usually result in many more serious illnesses or deaths than the vaccines do. The article uses clearly presented evidence to support claims in favor of vaccinations while also acknowledging that choosing to vaccinate is up to the individual.
“Vaccinations are causing a major upsurge in childhood diseases, adult maladies, and even deadly ailments such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig’s disease” (Blaylock). Every now and then an individual’s doctor calls telling them about the latest vaccine they should receive. The person immediately schedules a time to come in and get it done. But do they even give a second thought about it? Have they ever thought that maybe they do not need another vaccination? Many people have not taken the time to seriously think about the process of immunization. The truth is, there are many dangers that the average person should be unaware of. Rarely do vaccines actually accomplish what the public has been told. In fact, a lot of vaccines contain harmful substances that have been linked to disorders such as autism. The lack of education and dishonesty from doctors are putting people in danger of health problems without even realizing. Many parents feel obligated for their children to get vaccinated because of school, not knowing they have the alternative option of refusing immunization.
Vaccines have been used to prevent diseases for centuries, and have saved countless lives of children and adults. The smallpox vaccine was invented as early as 1796, and since then the use of vaccines has continued to protect us from countless life threatening diseases such as polio, measles, and pertussis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2010) assures that vaccines are extensively tested by scientist to make sure they are effective and safe, and must receive the approval of the Food and Drug Administration before being used. “Perhaps the greatest success story in public health is the reduction of infectious diseases due to the use of vaccines” (CDC, 2010). Routine immunization has eliminated smallpox from the globe and led to the near removal of wild polio virus. Vaccines have reduced some preventable infectious diseases to an all-time low, and now few people experience the devastating effects of measles, pertussis, and other illnesses.
First of all, let’s clear something up. Vaccines are definitely safe, they undergo prolonged and extensive testing from reputable scientists, doctors and the federal government. They are designed specifically for you and your family to keep you all safe from deadly diseases.
During the 20th century, one of the greatest medical innovations was achieved, which was the vaccine. The vaccine used various chemicals and biological substances as a way of preparing the immune system for some sort of future infection, particularly by a virus, which are more difficult to treat than bacteria. However, since the time of its use, vaccines have been under constant scrutiny, especially when some of them were mandated by the government for entry into school. Nevertheless, even though some disagree with the policy of mandatory vaccinations, these vaccines are an ethical way of ensuring the safety of individuals.
When any subject takes hold of the American people and media for such a long time, it’s usually an indicator that something is not clear. Most often when a subject is clearly wrong, it won’t last as a controversial subject for long. It is very simple for any person to decide if vaccines are right or wrong for them or their children. Vaccines have unbiased Pros and Cons such as most controversial subjects. Pros and cons based on age, race, weight, health, health history, genetics and personal and collective history. We will be listing these pros and cons so you can
Through the years, controversy has surrounded vaccinations such as, whether or not they have harmful side-affects, are a government scheme, or simply unnecessary. Parents today have a choice whether or not to vaccinate their children, but should vaccinations be choice? By mandating vaccinations, fewer people are likely to contract diseases. Although vaccines have been subject to scrutiny, vaccines have worked for many years, are not harmful, and use safe ingredients.
Two and half million children everyday are saved from vaccines (“Should”). Many people in America think that parents should not have the decision to let their children opt out of getting vaccines. The controversy of immunizations can be understood through learning about immunizations and how they are used, why people are for and against immunizations and why they are used, and the cons and pros of immunizations.
Disease has been known to humankind as the invisible killer for centuries. Plagues destroying towns, people dying for unexplainable reasons, and children dying all too soon. The miracle of modern medicine has permitted society to to have significant control over these terrifying invisible killer outbreaks. The vaccine is one of the greatest miracles of modern medicine. For example, the vaccine for the polio virus has virtually eliminated the incidences of polio in humans. “Vaccines represent a low-risk intervention administer according to a schedule in which there are currently no known acceptable alternatives.” (Opel et al. 2013). Vaccines protect the person who has been vaccinated from viruses and the more persons vaccinated the more
A vaccination is the injection of weak disease-causing agents that help the body develop immunity against specific infectious diseases ("Why Are Childhood Vaccines So Important?"). It is through these vaccinations that children will develop immunity without suffering from the actual diseases that vaccines prevent ("Why Are Childhood Vaccines So Important?"). The field of medicine has come a long way. Vaccines are considered to be one of the public health’s greatest accomplishments to date. With the help of vaccines and public health, the overall goal is to prevent disease and promote health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has listed immunizations as the number one greatest public health achievement in the 20th century. This attainment towards the goal of health and safety is a huge success for not only our country but from the global perspective as well. Immunizations help to prevent illness and death from vaccine-preventable diseases. The World Health Organization states that global vaccination coverage has remained consistent for the past few years; for example, the percentage of infants fully vaccinated against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis has held secure at 83%. Programs for population-wide vaccinations have helped with the annihilation of polio in America since the late 1970’s, the eradication of smallpox, and the control of numerous other infectious diseases in the United States and other parts of the world.
The ethics of federal mandatory vaccination in the United States can be determined through the following case-study.
Just like prescription drugs, vaccines can be a harmful risk. For example, the small pox vaccine that is recommended by government health officials carries a risk for complications like inflammation of the brain which can lead to damage of the brain or even death. People who believe we should have mandatory vaccinations will say that vaccines have saved many lives, and though its true vaccines have also caused many serious and sometimes fatal side effects. There are also many cases where many parents strongly believe that some vaccines may have caused autism in their children. The reason being that many parents noticed shortly after their child was vaccinated they noticed symptoms like loss of language abilities and they were suddenly stopped interacting with people. Also, the vaccines used to treat measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) are linked to many autism cases. Vaccines that contain thimerosal, which is an organic compound that contains mercury, has also been suspected to cause autism in children. Thimerosal has been removed from most vaccines because of its linkage to autism. Scientist believe that MMR vaccines trigger a regressive form of autism, because the measles virus in the vaccine embeds itself in the intestine, causing some kind of reaction in the brain. Mercury, a chemical element, is used in a lot of vaccines can be very dangerous. High levels of
This project carried out all of the necessary background research to sustain in the accurate database of design criteria. Design criteria then allowed the design process and methodology to be derived and to allow for the smooth construction of an efficient
There have been many issues surrounding vaccinations all around the world. Vaccines are made with dangerous toxins that can cause disorders in many different people. Dr. Joseph says that almost all vaccines are made with immune adjuvant, which causes the immune system to react in a harmful way (qtd. in Garcia). Some serious side effects of the immune adjuvant include lowering of intellectual and sexual abilities and death in serious cases (Garcia). Also, in a recent study Mark Geier and David Geier found that thimerosal in vaccines is linked to neurodevelopment disorders, such as autism. They found...