Mandatory Health And Wellness

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Many students do not have the necessary skills in order to easily overcome their stress by themselves however there are many different solutions that students can use in order to release and feel stress-free. To begin with the problem of stress occurs when students start with their first semester of college. During the first semester of college students are required to take different courses that help them familiarize and prepare them for a successful college career. Some courses that these students are required to take are a first-year seminar course that introduces students to the university and helps them explore the different type of resources that the university offers. These courses are great because it helps students feel confident and …show more content…

Moreover, if every college freshman is required to take a mandatory health and wellness course more students would be concerned about their health and those experiencing stress would be informed and have the opportunity to learn about how to manage their time and stress more effectively. Another reason why college freshman should have a mandatory health and wellness course is because each college freshman as part of a final project will have the chance to apply what they have learned in class in themselves. In order to pass the course, each freshman must be able to complete a mandatory behavior change project and apply all their skills in a behavior that each student would like to change about him or herself. For example, if a female college freshman student is suffering from stress and chooses to work on managing her stress as her behavior change project. She will try to make a plan and come up with ideas in order for her to be able to manage her stress more effectively. Behavior change project work for a minimum period of six weeks however in those six weeks individuals who want to make a change focus on one aspect of their behavior and make goals for …show more content…

Some students often feel overwhelmed with the amount of homework and projects that they have to complete and that automatically causes them to feel stressed. The perfect solution to overcome this problem is to set up a goal list or to do list. By setting up to do list students write every single task that they want to accomplish throughout the day. This helps a student focus on the specific goals that they want to accomplish and set aside other goals that are not necessary to complete in a day. Once a goal is met students begin to check of every task that they have completed. By the end of the day, students begin to feel satisfied and more relaxed once they have completed and finished the tasks for the

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