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Malnutrition is both a cause and a consequence of ill-health. The term malnutrition can apply to various states – under-nutrition, over-nutrition or deficiencies of specific nutrients (8).Malnutrition is common but under-recognised in the elderly. Clinicians are seldom taught about the subject during their undergraduate or postgraduate level.Malnutrition can lead to serious consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality (5).Undernutrition is a global problem that is usually caused by a lack of food or alimited range of foods that provide inadequate amounts of specific nutrients or other food components, e.g. protein, dietary fibre and micronutrients. Excessive intake of food or specific forms of food may also be harmful. Malnutrition among older persons can occur in economically disadvantaged groups even within privileged societies, and in pockets of poverty or social isolation. Reasons for undernutrition include decreased food availability and affordability; lack of interest or awareness affecting intake; malabsorption or increased nutrient requirements; and traditional habits or beliefs whether of the elderly or their caretakers.(2) Frail elderly people in the community, in nursing homes or in hospital are at increased risk of malnutrition. In many instances,this malnutrition, affecting health, well-being and ability to overcome disease or injury, goes unrecognised by physicians,often due to their meagre training in nutritional assessment.(4)Malnutrition is prevalent in elderly populations, even in the developed world .Among hospitalized elderly, nutritional status is even poorer. Protein-energy malnutrition has been reported in up to 15% of community-dwelling and home-bound elderly individuals, up to 62% of hospitalized elder...

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...milk powder instead of milk. You can also obtain the calcium you require from foods such as low-fat cheese, broccoli, and yogurt.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is usually absorbed by an intrinsic factor in the stomach. Many of the elderly suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency because they suffer from atrophic gastritis, a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the walls of the stomach, growth of bacteria, and lack of the intrinsic factor that is responsible for the absorption of this vitamin into the system.

The elderly need each of the above nutritive elements to keep themselves in a healthy condition. The elderly should be as active as possible and take a good balanced diet. The elderly body may not be what it once used to be; this does not mean you have a reason to neglect it. You should take enough nutrition to enjoy a long and healthy life.(7)

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