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Short notes on gender bias
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Male Privilege
Evidence from the last few centuries indicate that women have “come a long way” in developing their basic worth and value in modern society. There are other informed viewpoints that suggest that the male dominance in today 's society is a function of culturally-installed patriarchy that not only prefers men but also oppresses women in society. However, it is described in the social order of things that men are the dominant group and ladies are the subordinate group in our society (Robinson, Frost, Buccigrossi, & Pfeffer, 2003).
Another view from Harvey and Allard stated that, "privilege prevails when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they are a part of, rather than because of anything they 've done or did not do."This extensive use of masculinity results in the gendering of work, where the key jobs and techniques for success are deeply connected to masculinity (Robinson, Frost, Buccigrossi, & Pfeffer, 2003). As a result, men earn more than women who are doing the same job, and men are hired and promoted more frequently than women. As a female I have experienced male privilege first hand and how it affects
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Yet, gender inequality occurs in most organizational processes including compensation, recruitment, promotions, performance appraisals, training, job assignment, and career development. Study after study has affirmed that people associate women and men with different traits and link men with more of the traits that connote leadership (Maithian, 2012). To this end, evidence shows that men are hired, paid higher wages for comparable work, and promoted more frequently than women (Harvey & Allard, 2009). Research by experts provided evidence that gender inequality can be found in numerous lawsuits alluding to gender discrimination. The following cases and lawsuits prove how gender can influence hiring, pay, and
Although society claims that we are in the age where there is gender equality, it is clear that women are still not of equal standing than men. In our society, women are of lower status than men. Such as in the workplace, a male employee’s project proposal is favored over a female employee’s proposal because a male superior believes that women cannot construct ideas as well as male employees. This is a result of how our culture has influence our view that women are less superior than men. Our male dominant culture taught us that women are not as capable as men are and that between the two genders, the man is the superior.
In the book Difference Matters, Brenda J Allen, begins writing about how gender matters in society. One of the main topics that she talks about is how in today’s society the male gender is the more predominate gender. As the reader, she has brought to mind many new ways to view how males earn more money then females, how we classify jobs as masculine or feminine, and also how society excepts males’ vs females to act and preform in the work force.
Sex Discrimination in the American Workplace: Still a Fact of Life. (2000, July 01). Retrieved from National Women's Law Center : www.nwlc.org
White privilege is a concept that many people are unfamiliar with, but not because they do not benefit from it. In the paper “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh argues that white people have an advantage over those of other races, though most are completely unaware of it or simply take it for granted. Her recognition of white privilege came from the concept of male privilege. She says that she looked at that concept and realized there was certainly something similar to it in regards to race (McIntosh, 1988, 11). This paper has great importance to the function of society. Because many white people do not recognize their unfair and disproportionate advantage in society, racial tensions can rise even more because there is a major wall blocking people from fixing the current issues.
Gender roles are a staple construct of human civilization, designating the behaviors and lifestyles that society expects out of its participants, with gender as the defining characteristic. Historically, females have been at the forefront of the conversation, with feminism regarded as the principal solution to the well-established issue of gender inequality. However, this is foolish. To truly mend the gender inequalities forged by thousands of years of human interaction, both genders have to be acknowledged. Both males and females are equally constrained by gender roles, however the effects of this constraint are in differing fields. There are studies showing that females are at a disadvantage economically, in the workplace, while other studies
In the majority of early cultures and societies, women have always been considered subservient and inferior to men. Since the first wave of feminism in the 19th century, women began to revolt against those prejudicial social boundaries by branching out of the submissive scope, achieving monumental advances in their roles in civilization. However, gender inequality is still prevalent in developed countries. Women frequently fall victim to gender-based assault and violence, suffer from superficial expectations, and face discriminatory barriers in achieving leadership roles in employment and equal pay. Undoubtedly, women have gained tremendous recognition in their leaps towards equal opportunity, but to condone these discrepancies, especially
As a member of the dominant race in America, I know that I possess certain unearned privileges that allow me to be more successful overall. I was raised with the mindset that racism doesn't affect me because I am white. The U.S. education system taught me about my racial and ethnic history, but it is likely that my classmates of different races could not say the same. I learned about racism in school but not to view whites as privileged or degrading towards subordinate groups. My group was never seen at fault for oppression or took any responsibility for it. Myself, nor my peers, were ever seen or viewed as unfairly advantaged or privileged. I grew up under the impression that any person could achieve what they wanted if they simply worked hard
In this day and age there are a plethora of problems in our society. A lot of the problems in America are constantly geared towards race and privilege. Privilege is a specified advantage towards something that is given to certain people or groups. A lot of the hype in today’s society is because of how heaps of people have privilege, more privilege, or lack of privilege over others. This is specifically geared toward Caucasian people and in some cases, people with money. Privilege is all around, but do we really recognize or question our privilege?
White privilege is the concept that white people have the advantage over other ethical races because of the color of their skin. Potapchuk &Leiderman state that “white privilege is about the concrete benefits of access to resources and social rewards and the power to shape the norms and values of society that whites receive, unconsciously or consciously, by virtue of their skin color in a racist society” (pg. 3). There will always be the conflict of race in our society; because children are still being taught that there is a problem with others who are not the same color as they are. Educating children at a young age could help reduce the amount of racism in their future.
...s" and not to discriminate on the basis and premise of sex. Even though few women benefitted from the scheme, Justice Stewart noted that "veteran's status's not uniquely male." Furthermore, the law placed many men who were not veterans at a disadvantage as well.
Gender inequality specifies to unequal treatment or approach of individuals based on their gender. It occurs from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences. In 2006, the World Economic Forum introduced The Global Gender Gap Index. It is a framework that captures the magnitude and capacity of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress. The index measures national gender gaps on political, economic, education and health based criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups, over time. The rankings are mainly designed to create a greater awareness among a global audience of the challenges posed by gender gaps and the opportunities created by reducing them.
Woods, Jewel. 2010. “The Black Male Privileges Checklist”. Clearly, if the Black Man understood the level of cultural achievement, he has/had the black race (people) would have a different level of strength and cohesiveness. The BMP Checklist should be use as a manual or a mirror for Black men showing them the gender gap and racial inequality between Black Men and Black Women.
Gender order according to our text is labeled as “hierarchal” (2008), stating that “Men dominate women in terms of wealth, power, and social position, but not all men dominate all women” (2008). While this may be true, it is creating a divide between the two genders. This divide is apparent by looking at the pay scales between men and women, and even how the genders are looked at in terms of jobs or college admissions. Looking at today’s society however, women are slowly rising to compete with their male counterparts, in many ways, from education, government, and even television, for example Oprah Winfrey.
For many decades, women have faced inequalities in the workforce. At one point, they were not allowed to work at all. Although women's rights have improved and are now able to work alongside men, they are still treated unfairly. According to the 2012 U.S. Census, women’s earnings were “76.5 percent of men’s” (1). In 2012, men, on average, earned $47,398 and women earned only $35,791. This is when comparing employees where both gender spend the same amount of time working. Not only do women encounter unfairness in work pay, they also face a “glass ceiling” on a promotional basis. This glass ceiling is a “promotion barrier that prevents woman’s upward ability” (2). For example, if a woman is able to enter a job traditionally for men, she will still not receive the same pay or experience the same increase in occupational ability. Gender typing plays a huge role in the workplace. It is the idea that women tend to hold jobs that are low paid with low status. Women are not highly considered in leadership positions because of social construction of gender. Society has given women the role of “caretakers” and sensitive individuals. Therefore, women are not depicted as authoritative figures, which is apparent with the absence of women in leadership roles in companies. Furthermore, sex segregation leads to occupations with either the emphasis of women in a certain job or men in a certain job. In 2009, occupations with the highest proportion of women included “secretary, child care worker, hair dresser, cashier, bookkeeper, etc.” (3). Male workers typically held job positions as construction workers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc. (3). Sex segregation represents inequality because the gender composition for these jobs depends on what ...
Gender bias has a long history and continues to occur in the workplace today. Research indicates that women remain significantly disadvantaged and mistreated compared to men in the workforce. How do the disparities of hiring, promotion, and salaries affect women in the workplace?