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Conclusion on school uniforms in public schools
How school uniforms affect students
Positive impacts of school uniforms research
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Recommended: Conclusion on school uniforms in public schools
I am a student that has attended 3 schools and has always worn a school uniform, a mate has never experienced any issues with school uniforms, and have noticed a few issues that can be prevented from the use of a uniform. Uniforms, not only had they been proven to be helpful at school, but they are also helpful at home.
Parents spend a couple hundred dollars per year on clothing just to make their children meet the latest fashion. An average shop favoured by many teenagers, such as International, sells a piece of clothing for around $40 each! Parents can really find this money useful while paying bills. Uniforms are cheap, after a mate when his primary, his parents had a lot of excess money to spend because of uniform! A typical gang trait is to have a gang name, gang color, and other characteristics, that make them diverse this makes parent spend money on clothes that children don?t need.
There is a possibility of violence due to an article of clothing. If a student is dressed up similar to a member of a gang, another student who does not like that gang might plan to attack that person. In this case uniforms can protect the safety of another. Many people believe if you compare a uniform school with a non-uniform school, you?ll see that violence is much popular in the non-uniform school. As said above clothing can be quite expensive, how would one feel if their garment has been misplaced or stolen? A lot of students love to brag about their shoes, especially sport shoes, when they first buy it. Famous Sport shoes are worth $120 on average, and not everybody in the school is Happy. Envy takes place when a student replaces their new shoe, with an old one for a gym class. The other student returns to the changing room, and finds out that his new sport shoes have disappeared. The shoe that had cost a lot of money, and now it?s gone! This would have never happened if the school the student goes to makes a uniform compulsory. Instead of bring a students fancy shoes that student would have brought his leather shoes, that matches the school uniform. Uniform decreases the amount of theft on school property. Uniforms make it harder for strangers to sneak in the school, because for sure they?ll be the center of everyone?
There have been a lot of people in the United States debating on whether or not wearing school uniforms since centuries ago. In the United States, most public schools do not require to wear uniforms. However, students are required to wear uniforms in private schools. While in most of the countries, either in a public or private school, require to wear uniforms. They even have summer and winter uniforms according to the weather. There are some pros and cons of wearing uniforms. Most of the people think that wearing uniforms can help student decrease the rate of gang activity, and behave well in school. However, some of the parents think that wearing the uniform do not have their children’s individual rights. Some of the students think it suffocated to wear the uniforms. The down-sides are the expenses of buying uniforms for poor people, and violating freedom of expression. However, the students should wear school uniform because it helps prevent gangs from forming on campus, encourage discipline, improve the learning skills.
It has been observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. The potential benefits of school uniforms include decreasing violence and theft. Some instances involving designer clothing and expensive sneakers have even led to life-threatening situations among students. Uniforms would also prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school. Uniforms would also teach students discipline and help them resist peer pressure. Uniforms would also help students concentrate on their schoolwork and would help school officials detect intruders who come unwelcome into the school.
The argument whether uniforms should be implemented in school has been debated over the last few decades. By implementing a uniform policy within schools would help reduce the rise of violent crimes. In today’s high schools, too many innocent youths become fatalities due to gang warfare that has spread into the school system. Many parents feel that if a uniform policy was implemented , the spread of gang warfare and the idea that children have to have name brand clothing would decrease drastically. However others are worried that this policy would infringe on students First Amendment Rights with expressing themselves. Many parents are worried that the uniforms will cost too much and they will only burden their economic status. Uniforms will either give the school strength or separate the students and parents from the administration.
Since the 1990 's schools have reported amazing results by mandating a school uniform policy. Konheim-Kalkstein, Y. L (2006) write: “ School uniforms, proponents have said, can lead to improved discipline and classroom behavior, increased school attendance, respect for teachers, better school performance, higher student self-esteem and confidence, lower
First, school uniforms eliminate opportunities for the ridicule of less popular or less fortunate students based on attire. Uniforms take the competition out of dressing. Students have been known to express themselves in flamboyant clothing. Price tags are in. Do you really want to be paying for a status symbol? A complaint by students is that uniforms reduce the freedom of expression. However, are we expressing ourselves through labeled clothing? Are we not just expressing a capitalist society in which everyone wears the same clothing that is priced higher due to its popularity and brand name? Is it righteous that the kid that cant afford these mainstream clothing is subject to ridicule? Uniforms just promote the peer pressure to perform and conform. Many students take after-school jobs to maintain their own style. Often these paychecks go to getting the “right” clothing instead of more important things such as saving for the future. The issue is not a part time job, but the reason behind the job is our concern. Is it not wrong that a student must waste his/her time working in order to get the right clothing and fit into society.
Children tend to break off into “cliques” and uniforms could possibly help unite students. Finding creative ways to express their individuality through other outlets other than fashion can help children forge friendships based on their common interests. In conclusion, I feel that school uniforms are something all schools should really consider implementing in their policy. All of these points show that they can be budget-friendly, help children focus and lower the barriers children can build up because of merely what they are wearing.
(“Quotes about Uniform Policy” 1). Theodore R. Mitchell, UCLA School of Education says, "I think its great news for all of us who have advocated school uniforms as a way of building community.” A pressing issue, bullying has become a big problem in many school, and to eliminate this problem, school policies should require students to wear uniforms. Many people believe that school uniforms build the community into a safer, more positive environment. School uniforms improve school academics, prevent gang violence, and assist families, who can not afford expensive clothing.
the clothe that they wear, their appearance, and their manifestation in front of people, and
A major reason that schools should have uniforms is because students will get along better. They wouldn’t compare each other based on whose wearing what. This is opposed to a school with no uniform some students will feel inferior to the one’s wearing brand name clothes. Also uniforms lower the chances of jealousy between the students. The students would feel more unified with each other. Further more school uniforms can alleviate school violence, because it will help kids with less money escape the teasing they would get if the school had no uniforms. Also uniforms will help differentiate students from gan...
It has been disputed that school uniforms would encourage protection in our education community. After all, if every student is trying the same style, it would be easier to pick out who on the school property is not a student or staff member. It is also disputed that school uniforms dampen thefts among pupils, since the contest would no longer be there. With identical outfits, no one is slaughtered over a pair of designer shoes or a designer jacket.
First, one of the chief benefits of school uniforms is their ability to make schools safer. Studies have shown that they help to reduce gang influences. (Isaacson, 1998)
A uniform is a standard set of clothes that is worn by a group of people. These people may be members of an organization or a group of people having the same ideas. There are thousands of kinds of uniforms in the world worn by people, such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, lawyers, security guards, and even fast-food restaurant workers. School uniforms are a controversial issue in schools today. Many schools have already adopted a policy mandating school uniforms, while many more are still considering the change. School uniforms create an atmosphere of equality in which the students are able to achieve to their best, while attaining the most out of their education. School uniforms should be mandatory to unite the school community as one, to instil discipline among the student body, and to eliminate distractions that will help students focus more, which in turn will help our society.
Schools requiring uniforms will experience reduction in violence. Without the pressure of competing with different styles, students are more relaxed in school. They will feel equal and at peace, leading to disappearing thoughts of violence. Obligated uniforms will reduce the weapon dilemma considerably. They will be harder to conceal with all students dressed the identically, therefore fewer will be brought to school.
In addition, another reason why the use of uniform is favorable is that they decrease the number of incidents of students being attacked for items of clothing such as shoes and sweaters. Besides that, students wearing expensive or fashionable clothes are exposed victims of theft because of envies. Thus, it may also help reduce the amount of theft that may occur. Furthermore, members of gangs usually have a specific color or style of clothing used to differentiate themselves from one another, and by imposing the use of uniform, it will help avoid the social conflicts between
Point 1 (Brian): Having school uniforms will greatly lift the feeling of teamwork and sense of school spirit and belonging, and is a benefit for students. According to SafeSchools.edublogs.org, school uniform programs make it easier for students to develop a sense of belonging at school because greater attention is given to who they are instead of what they wear. School uniforms will make students feel that they are ...