Macbeth Greed Research Paper

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Greed Really Is The Root Of All Evil
In societies, certain people are given positions that place them in a plane with authority. In many cases, those in charge have abused their positions in order to please their selfish wants. British literature observes the abuse of power and how greed can be related with it, a current event article is included in order to demonstrate the problem persist in the current times. Leaders that already have plenty, yearn to have more because for them enough is never enough. People that abuse their power with greed being the reason don’t get away with abusing power. People with power use the authority that was trusted to them in order to get what they want often doing the opposite of their responsibilities. The …show more content…

In Kenya, the senior officers were trusted with the responsibility working for the people of Kenya and the moment the officials allowed for “the alleged theft of almost $100 million from a government agency” (Aglionby pr.1). The government has abused their power and misused the authority that was given to them by the people of Kenya. In Macbeth, the way greed and the abuse of power are associated is shown by Macbeth and his betrayal of the people he is supposed to look over, In the play Macbeth wants to make sure that his power goes unopposed and to do so he kills many of his subjects he fears that will take his power. Of the multiple examples, the massacre of Macduff’s family really shows how Macbeth will go too far in lengths in order to have no opposition “give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword… all unfortunate souls/ That trace him in his line”(4.1.172-174). For Macbeth, every person that is related to Macduff is a threat including Macduff’s innocent son. In order to keep it in check, Macbeth leads a carnage against Macduff’s family. In Golding’s presentation of a leader that betrays their followers is Jack and his desire to hunt. In the book, Jack shifts the necessity of being rescued to hunt for the enjoyment of killing “Now you’ll eat and there’ll be no smoke” (ch. 11 pg. 178). The priority of the boys is to get out of the island and Jack’s job as chief is to get all the boys out, not to lead the boys in fun hunts. The way Golding shows a leader betraying the people they serve is by showing Jack not doing the Job he is supposed to but using his power to have fun. A leader that does not follow through with their Job and misuse their power to fulfill their wants not only betray the people they serve but also they selfishly look after

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