How Is Elizabeth Proctor's Guilt Shown In The Crucible

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The desire for power is prevalent in our day to day life from wanting control over little insignificant aspects to control over others. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is Elizabeth Proctor portrays great power with her husband, John Proctor when she forgives him for having the affair and is trying to help him forgive himself. “John it come to naught that I forgive you, if you’ll not forgive yourself” (Miller 126). Elizabeth released a lot of the guilt John had when she said this because one of the main reasons he did not want anyone to find out about the affair was so his wife doesn’t get hurt. She was the motive behind John’s actions and held great power with her husband. If she did not have as much grace and forgiveness in that moment that could have impacted John’s actions extensively. She not only looked past what he did …show more content…

The Crucible by Arthur Miller is Elizabeth Proctor portrays great power with her husband, John Proctor when she forgives him for having the affair and is trying to help him forgive himself. “John it comes to naught that I forgive you, if you’ll not forgive yourself” (Miller 126). Elizabeth released a lot of the guilt John had when she said this because one of the main reasons he did not want anyone to find out about the affair was so his wife doesn’t get hurt. She was the motive behind John’s actions and held great power with her husband. If she did not have as much grace and forgiveness in that moment that could have impacted John’s actions extensively. She not only looked past what he did, but also had it in her heart to help him forgive himself to release all of the pain and guilt he has been carrying around. Even though power is usually seen with having the evil advantage or vengeful upper hand Elizabeth was powerful enough to forgive his wrong doings and try to help him forgive

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