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I am a liberal minded, moderate practicing (Muslim), business owner / investor, and have an Associate in Business Management. I was never married nor had children. However due to an evolution in my financial position, and my disabled brother now settled with lifetime care (overseas if needed where care is cheap), I am free to settle down with a small family. I was born in Cairo Egypt in1964, and came to the states (Michigan) at the age of three as my father was offered a job in architectural engineering. My father (passed on) was Egyptian, my mother Lebanese. MY FATHER & PROPHETS BLOOD LINE My father was a successful architect in Egypt before resuming his respected career in the states. Shaikh Mohamed Mousa (happy to provide his personal number as character reference) of the Unity Center in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and last known as Imam Mousa (now retired), knew my father very well. My father was the chief person in charge of expanding the big Suni Mosque in Dearborn Michigan. He spent countless hours of hard work every night after work, and this when he had heart problems. And he never took any money or compensation for it. He was a very charitable man. I belong to, and have the great honor to be part of the prophet Mohamed (pbuh) blood line (Ashraf). However, this in itself does not hold great meaning, unless one strives to uphold the principle examples of the prophet. MORE ABOUT ME Two words my friends would use to describe me would be kind and compassionate as I have a strong desire to uplift and provide for the people and causes I care about. I do not smoke, drink, take recreational drugs, engage in premarital sexual relations, or gamble. Some positive attributes that I would use to honestly describe myself w... ... middle of paper ... ...ion of her earnings toward the household, but only if it would raise the quality of life, or if it would please her, but if she has even nothing, it is not important for me, nor necessary. MY IDEAL MATCH My life long partner should be between the age of 29 - 45 (but still be able to bear a child safely). She need be honest, faithful, non-promiscuous (no sexual relations out of wedlock, or changed her way), sensitive, just, liberal and open minded, moderate in religious practice (but not extreme). It is preferable she enjoys spending time together in different activities. She should preferably, but may not be necessary, come from a fairly educated or established business background, or herself as such: Associates, medical / non-medical technician, or higher education; money she poses or in the family is not important. She must be attractive both inside and out.

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