Home Care Case Study

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Accessibility is an important factor when assessing home care. You need to assess if your home or the elder’s home is in a place which is easy to access in case of a medical emergency. You need to weigh in factors such as the distance of the home from the nearest hospital. You also need to ensure that other important places such as a grocery store or a therapy center are close enough to the home in which the elder person aims to reside. It is important to take care of the future needs for medical care as well as regular shopping. Home maintenance and alteration are also important parameters in this regard. The home needs to be in a condition as to not pose any hazard to the elderly person. It needs to have modifications according to the needs …show more content…

You need to ensure that you are not under pressure to take a decision about taking care of your loved. There are many options for assisted living. You may also have room in your house and decide that you can fit elders in and provide them a comfortable environment. You may also feel that you do not have ample space and time to support them. You can select a good nursing home in this case to care of your loved one. You need to ensure that you take a decision based on the financial resources available to you. You also need to ensure that elderly care requires a lot of time as well. Elders may feel better if you are physically around them but it is not necessary to absurdly change your schedule and support in a manner that you cannot consistently maintain over a long period of time. The ultimate decision is yours and you should take it however you want it. You should not worry about the social norms practiced in your surroundings. We suggest however if you do have some resources of time and money available, then home care keeps elders happy and you can take different types of home assistance to help you take care of your loved

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