Lunch Time

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Lunch Time

The students of Snow Canyon Middle School desperately need there time away from school.

To unwind from tests, teachers, school work, and learning. All those subjects are very stressful in a young teenager’s life. Our lunch hour is the only hour from 8:00 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. that we have that we can just get away from school, and relax and have fun.

This is why we must fight for a longer lunch hour.

My friends and I are always rushing down to lunch, which takes time out of our unwinding. Then we have to run like the wind back up to the school. And running after eating isn’t a great idea. Especially, if you had burger bar. This rushing and stressing over tardie's doesn’t help with the rest of the stress that you get from teachers and all the school work you have to do. Not only do the students want a longer lunch hour, I know the teachers would love to have that extra special time away from the world, and relax and get away from all of the rascals that they have to deal with. Besides those reasons, Tardie’s is the one and only thing that hurts the students the most.

Mr. Gubler agrees that we need to have a longer lunch hour. Because, if you looked at everyone's tar die’s in the whole school, most of the tar die’s would be in their 6th period. All because of the lack of time that we have to walk down to wherever you eat.

And eat chitchat with your friends and walk all the way back up to the school. Does the school board really think we can do all of that ...

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