Loyalty In The Kite Runner

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Loyalty is the building block of friendship that distinguish a true friend from a fake one, it shows how strong the friendship is. In The Kite Runner, loyalty was portrayed through the relationship between Amir and Hassan friendship. Hassan, Amir’s Hazara servant, was extremely loyal to his friend, regardless of the class or culture barrier between them. Amir was pashtun,rich and educated, in comparison, Hassan was a Hazara, poor and illiterate. Being fed from the same women created a very strong bond between these two. Losing their moms at a young age, their dads being raised together all were factors that strengthen the relationship between the two boys. Especially Hassan, he was incredibly attached to Amir, which led him to say Amir’s name as his …show more content…

But perhaps you didn't notice that I'm the one holding the slingshot. If you make a move, they'll have to change your nickname from Assef 'the Ear Eater' to "One-Eyed Assef,' because I have this rock pointed at your left eye” (Hosseini 42). This proves Hassna’ loyalty and braveness to defend Amir and make sure that no one hurts him. In addition, “He [Hassan] had sacrificed himself his whole life for Amir and never expected anything in return” (Grant). Hassan always defended Amir and protected him. However, the most significant occasion that presented Hassan’s loyalty was when he got abused sexually by Assef when he refused to give him the kite Amir won. He accepted being abused because he knew that the kite was the solution that would bring Amir closer to Baba and make him feel proud of his achievement. Hassan sacrificed his innocence just to make Amir happy, not asking for anything in return which shows his definition of loyalty. Another defining moment that showed Hassan's loyalty was when “ Hassan ended up dying because of his loyalty to Amir” (Grant). During the Taliban’s invasion of Afghanistan,

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