Love of a Spouse

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Love of a Spouse

As a child we never think we will ever enjoy the company of the opposite sex, but as we grow older and wiser we finally see the need for each other. throughout my life I have had girlfriends come and go without recorse or significant feelings toward them; granted, I was very fond of them and did not want them to leave me, but they never filled the void that was missing in my heart. As I recollect on what love means to me and what love should be i think of 5 basic characteristics that make the love of a spouse sincere and without flaw. the characteristics i believe to be important are trust, personal value, value for others, mutual respect, and equal use of mind and heart. these 5 characteristics have got me were I am today and after 4 years I still feel the same way I did the first day we met and more.

the first characteristic that i will talk about is trust. To some people this is a basic virtue of all relationships and stems from generation to generation of good advice brought by our parents. Trust is important in relationships not only for the obvious reason that without it a person is miserable, but it also enhances the things in life that are waiting to happen. The biggest problem with jealousy and mistrust is that it blocks your vision of what things can be and what future you want. If only people new the truth about there partner everything would be alright, but in reallity this will never be the case we will always be searching for answers that are hard to find and the only way to find these answeers will be by asking our partners what they are feeling and how this is affecting them. People do not seem to understand what the other person in a relationship is thinking and before aking t...

... middle of paper ... this hapens because those two weeks enclose some of the best times a person has ever had. In love a person has to have value for others fealings, opinions, and ideas or the relationship will not work out. As I talk about my wife and the love we have for eachother I find myself being reminded of the respect I have for her and the way we both value eachothers presence. Without our love for eachother we know we woulld be miserable and without a piece of our hearts.

My fourth characteristic is mutual respect. mutual respect is something that happens when true love is attained. Mutual respect is vital in love because without it a person feels as if they are unapreciated and unwanted. I do not believe that attaining mutual respect is hard for a lot of couples, but I do believe it is hard to let your partner know how much you respect their opinions and ideas.

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