Looking For Alibrandi Quotes

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The points that will be discussed to do with the novel I have read called ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ written by Lina Marchetta, will involve me talking about how Josephine Alibrandi being the child of a single mother, Australian, female and being Italian which effects Josephine in all those points. I will be writing about how she copes being a bastard child in an Italian culture and how Josephine’s relationship with her dad is. I will talk about how Josephine being Italian and Australian effects her and why it effects her and I will talk about how Josephine copes being female in an Italian culture and how it effects her personally.

Josephine Alibrandi is an Italian girl with one parent of whom is her mother. Josephine and Christina, Josephine’s …show more content…

It was always difficult for Italian females ever since they moved to Australia because they were new. Josephine’s grandmother told her a story about when she first moved to Australia with her husband. She explained to Josephine that when she first moved to Australia her husband was always at work and never around to help or comfort her but she but a nice man by the name of Marcus Sandford who was there to do what he could not. Marcus helped her with all the things she needed and comforted her when she needed it but because she was Italian and Marcus was Australian so when people found out about those two they started to talk. This kind of thing happens during the book with Josephine and a boy named Jacob Coote. Josephine became close to Jacob Coote throughout the book and ended up dating but they were two completely different people. Jacob is Australian, Josephine is Italian, Jacob dressed all daggy, Josephine dressed nice and they argued all the time. At times when they argued Jacob would bring up the fact that she was ethnic and begin being racist towards her. No matter how much the two of them fought and no matter how angry Josephine got at Jacob, her feelings didn’t die down. Josephine and Jacob didn’t stay together; they broke up towards the end of the book after the terrible incident of John Bartons death.

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