Lolita Research Paper

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“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta.” VladimirNabokov’s Lolita is one of the most controversial books ever published, this is not a verysurprising idea considering the constant themes of pedophilia, incest, and rape in the book.Despite its vulgar and socially unappealing topics, Lolita is a well written piece of art that did theexact thing it was intended to do, anger society. This offensive, yet incredible book will surely beremembered for a long time.Vladimir Nabokov was born the 22nd of April in 1899 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Hewas born to a wealthy family of Russian nobility. His father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov,was a liberal lawyer, statesman, and journalist and his mother Elena Ivanovna Rukavishnikova,was …show more content…

Humbertneeded a place to live in while he is in America and Charlotte Haze opened up her home to him.While he is there, he lusts after Charlotte’s 12 year-old daughter, Dolores, at first sight. Charlottefalls in love with Humbert and tells him that if he will not marry her, he must find somewhereelse to live. In order to stay close to his beloved Lolita, he agrees to marry her.Charlotte finds out his secret love for her daughter and with almost perfect timing, shegets ran over while angrily yelling at Humbert in the middle of the street. In order to avoid thelaw, Humbert takes Lolita on a road trip around the United States. During the time of the roadtrip, Humbert has sexual intercourse with her many times. As a result, Lolita runs away withClare Quilty, her supposed saving grace, out of despair. Quilty kidnaps Lolita in hopes of havingher star in his adult films. Five years later, Lolita has long ago escaped Quilty and is pregnantwith twins. Humbert finds her and eventually apologizes for corrupting her childhood. Doloresdies giving birth.The pedophilia in the book is the main cause of its being banned all over Europe. Societywill never accept pedophilia, therefore, it was understandable that parents did not want theirchildren to read the book. At the time of the book’s publication, parents everywhere wereworried that if their child read the book, they would follow in Dolores’ …show more content…

Dolores describe herself as a “daisy fresh girl” before Humbert camealong completely changed her.Many friends and family discouraged Nabokov to publish the book knowing all thetrouble it would cause, it was his wife that persuaded him to publish it. The book was bannedfrom 1958 to 1965.It was no surprise to Nabokov and his family that the book received such negativereviews. Magazines and book critics refused to do any sort of review about the book, claimingthat it would harm their image. “Lolita is pornography, and we do not plan to review it,” said theeditor of the Chicago Tribune. Though some found the book disturbing, others found itendearing. At the very end of 1955, Graham Greene from the Sunday Times called it one of thethree best books of 1955.Once published, British Customs officers were instructed to seize all copies entering theUnited Kingdom. In December 1956, France followed with the banning and the Minister of theInterior banned Lolita, the ban lasted for two years. Its British publication by Weidenfeld &Nicolson in London in 1959 caused a scandal that ended the political career of one of thepublishers, Nigel Nicolson.Lolita has influenced today’s society and pop culture more than some would like toadmit. Many teenaged girls have taken after Dolores’ promiscuous actions and many have takeninspiration from her fashion style. Lolita has influenced girls in a way that tells them that themore innocent they look, the more they will be

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