Living Off A Dollar A Day Analysis

560 Words2 Pages

Ella Bone
Father Strasz
7 May 2018 Option 3: Living off a Dollar a Day (556 words)
It is taught that social teaching begins with the foundation that every person is sacred and created in God’s image, regardless of what possessions they have. The story, Living off a Dollar a Day is an inspirational story that teaches the message of how material goods are not necessary to live a fulfilled life. In the film, young men from the United States travel to Guatemala to learn about life as an underprivileged member of a small village. In the film, Living on a Dollar a Day, young privileged men from the United States travel to Guatemala to learn what life is like for less fortunate people while living off only one dollar a day.
The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. According to Catholic Social Teaching, it is everyone’s responsibility to care for the poor. The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human responsibilities are met. The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, …show more content…

One major reason that this is the case is because of the fact that poverty is passed down through the generations. Children that are born into a less fortunate life of poverty and being young they cannot do anything about it. Being stuck into a life of poverty and being too young to be able to work your way out of it is how the cycle continues to grow deeper. We see this in the movie people have children and by default they live in the town because of their parents. These children then grow up to be farmers and workers of the town because that this is all that they

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