Living In A Global World

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In order to address the claim that we live in a global world, there are key factors that we must consider. The factors included in this essay are: the effect of globalisation on the different cultures spread throughout the world, the effect that globalisation has had on our national governments, and more negative effects such as how globalisation has allowed for a larger emergence of suicide terrorism. There are three main thought processes surrounding globalisation, and these are the ideas of the hyperglobalisers, the transformationalists, and the sceptics. Hyperglobalisers would suggest that as a result of globalisation, governments and national bodies are losing their authority, and that we have entered a new era. Transformationalists’ views …show more content…

In this case, it would appear that the government still have power over the people and the policies they introduce, suggesting we have not progressed into a global world. The government however do face many issues, for example the immigration issue has become a widely recognised issue within the United Kingdom. The growth in immigration can actually be seen to raise citizenship questions, and may appear to have polluted the nation states. As it states on, the regions which receive the highest net immigration are North America, Western Europe and the Middle East. Statistical evidence suggests that these three areas alone account for 75.9% of world net immigration, with the United States receiving just over 37% of the world total. Sceptics would support the idea that we are not living in a global world, as they believe that we do not have a global economy, but an international one that is separated into three – Asia, Europe and North America. The international economy proposed by sceptics is controlled mainly by the governments in these areas, which are still powerful, and the policies that they choose to implement revolve around the

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