---El término "programación" tiene un significado distinto cuando se refiere a Programación Lineal que cuando hablamos de Programación Informática. En el primer caso, significa planificar y organizar mientras que en el segundo caso, significa escribir las instrucciones para realizar cálculos.
Un modelo matemático es una ecuación, desigualdad o sistema de ecuaciones o desigualdades, que representa determinados aspectos del sistema físico representado en el modelo. Los modelos de este tipo se utilizan en gran medida en las ciencias físicas, en el campo de la ingeniería, los negocios y la economía.
Un modelo de Optimización Matemática consiste en una función objetivo y un conjunto de restricciones en la forma de un sistema de ecuaciones o inecuaciones. Los modelos de optimización son usados en casi todas las áreas de toma de decisiones, como en ingeniería de diseño y selección de carteras financieras de inversión.
La formulación de una función objetivo que tenga sentido normalmente es una tarea tediosa y frustrante. Los intentos de desarrollo de una función objetivo pueden terminar en un fracaso. Esto puede darse porque el analista elige el conjunto incorrecto de variables para incluir en el modelo o bien, si el conjunto es el adecuado, porque no identifica correctamente la relación entre estas variables y la medida de efectividad. En un nuevo intento, el analista trata de descubrir las variables adicionales que podrían mejorar su modelo descartando aquellas que parecen tener poca o ninguna relevancia. No obstante, sólo se puede determinar si estos factores realmente mejoran el modelo una vez realizadas la formulación y prueba de nuevos modelos que incluyan las variables adicionales.
Todo el proceso de selección y rechazo de variables puede requerir reiteraciones múltiples hasta desarrollar una función objetivo satisfactoria. En cada iteración, el analista espera lograr alguna mejora en el modelo, aunque no siempre se tiene tanta buena suerte. Por lo general, el éxito final es precedido por una serie de fracasos frustrantes y pequeños progresos.
La optimización, también denominada programación matemática, sirve para encontrar la respuesta que proporciona el mejor resultado, la que logra mayores ganancias, mayor producción o felicidad o la que logra el menor costo, desperdicio o malestar. Con frecuencia, estos problemas implican utilizar de la manera más eficiente los recursos, tales como dinero, tiempo, maquinaria, personal, existencias, etc. Los problemas de optimización generalmente se clasifican en lineales y no lineales, según las relaciones del problema sean lineales con respecto a las variables. Existe una serie de paquetes de software para resolver problemas de optimización.
In everyday real life situations, one keeps on making various decisions depending on a number of factors. Thus, decision-making is an integral tool in human life, and one cannot avoid it. In view of this, experts report that individuals make use of varying decision-making models to arrive at a decision that suits them. Here, the writer presents four decision-making models, namely the classical, behavioral, satisficing, and optimizing models.
Going into details of the article, I realized that the necessary information needed to evaluate the experimental procedures were not included. However, when conducting an experiment, the independent and dependent variable are to be studied before giving a final conclusion.
Please go through and write the part for the modeling. (preliminary data and aim 4).
“Marginal analysis involves changing the value(s) of the choice variable(s) by a small amount to see if the objective function can be further increased (in the case of maximization problems) or further decreased (in the case of minimization problems)” (Thomas & Maurice, 2012, pp. 91). Marginal analysis is known as “the central organizing principle of economic theory” for its importance and applicability to many aspects of our daily lives as well as our careers (Thomas & Maurice, 2012, pp. 94). The key concepts of marginal analysis include total benefit, total cost, marginal benefit, marginal cost and net benefit. These concepts all come together to play a significant role in the use of marginal analysis to reach the optimal desired outcome.
According to the model in this section a statement of the function of the source
A description of the nature of the problem, including facts relating to such problem; and
An 'economic cost-benefit analysis' approach to reasoning sees actions favoured and chosen if the benefit outweighs the cost. Here, the benefits and costs are in the form of economic benefits and costs, such as, monetary loss or profit. One who is motivated by such an approach will deem a course of action preferable if doing so results in an economic profit. Conversely, actions will be avoided if they result in an economic loss (Kelman 1981).
In the Pieles de La Garriga case study we have to decide whether we are going to accept the offer of Comerpiel and under which conditions. In order to make our decision we have to consider some criteria. The criteria that I identified as the most important are the lack of capacity for the first month if we decide to take the whole order, the profit or loss, the risk that Comerpiel will back out the contract, and the strategic implications of our decision.
Making business decisions involves choosing between alternative courses of action. Many factors affect business decisions, yet analysis typically focuses on finding the alternative that offers the highest return on investment or the greatest reduction in costs. Some decisions are based on little more than an intuitive understanding of the situation because available information is too limited to allow a more systematic analysis. In other cases, intangible factors such as convenience, prestige, and environmental considerations are more important than strictly quantitative factors. In all situations, managers can reach a sounder decision if they identify the consequences of alternative choices in financial terms. This unit
The following is a decision-making model that I have used to arrive at a decision.
Problem solving and decision-making are fundamental in all managerial activities. Although these defining characteristics of management can be used interchangeably, current literature makes a comprehensible delineation between the two. Problem solving can be defined as a mental process and is part of a larger process that begins with identifying the problem and ends by assessing the efficiency of the solution. Decision-making is also considered a mental process and identifies several alternative scenarios before making a final selection. For the purpose of this analysis, I will discuss the similarities and differences of problem solving and decision-making. I will also explain the steps of the decision-making process and discuss the different decision-making approaches.
The basic aspects of the decision making process. First the problem is defined, relevant objects are observed and classified, measurements are taken of their activities and data are collected in a database or file so that the decision maker can understand the problem. From this data, functional relationships are develop from various patterns and predictions, or inferences are made. Criteria are selected for decision making and for enlisting various alternatives. From these criteria a decision model is used to select the best or most satisfactory alternatives or course of action. Management action is then taken. Finally, an accounting system is used to measure the outcome of the action and to feed the results back into the decision process for management to make the next decision. In some case, many of these processing steps are automated. In other case, they are done by the decision maker based on the information provided by the accounting information system and computer software used to assists management in the decision making process. Throughout the decison making process are communication channels through which information flows, and there are numerous feedback loops for more information on the results of actions and its bearing on future decisions.
The field of Computer Science is based primarily on computer programing. Programming is the writing of computer programs using letters and numbers to make "code". The average computer programer will write at least a million lines of code in his or her lifetime. But even more important than writting code, a good programer must be able to solve problems and think logicaly.
Fortunately, during under-graduation, I got an opportunity to detect the optimum path of a process through my project “Design and Development of PCB Dual Head Drilling Machine”. Additionally, I became aware of a new subject called Six Sigma which aided me in intertwining new optimization techniques into my project to make the process effective. I optimized the creation...
Therefore, to achieve this objective, managers have to make choices in decision-making, which is the process of selecting a course of action from two or more alternatives (Weihrich & Koontz; 1994, 199). A sound decision making requires extensive knowledge of economic theory and the tools of economic analysis, that are directly related in the process of decision-making. Since managerial economics is concerned with such economic theories and tools of analysis, it is very relevant to the managerial decision-making process.