Lin, 2009 Critical Analysis

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“Critically evaluate Lin, 2009. Is it true that an international student must learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to study in a UK-type academic environment?”


Nowadays, there is a lot of scientist and professional who want to learn English to benefit from its leading position of power in modern research and economy. Linn (2009) mentioned that he agree with what Schneider & Fujishima (1995) say about academic writing in English particularly after its long history of development.

The strength reputation of the British education system has brought a lot of international students to study in the UK. Writing in an effective way is one of the important skills that students need to learn. Languages are affected by the country culture which includes almost everything, religion, education, quality of life and food. The aim of this project is to critically assess Dr.Linn study in 2009, trying to find the differences in academic writing between native English speakers and non native speakers, which is likely true. Native speaker will be a way better in writing, speaking, reading and listening.

According to Linn (2009) English structure of an essay is linear, whereas Arabic writers use parallel argument. A lot of Arabic writers probably will describe an essay with parallel argument as stronger than an essay with one linear argument.

Linn (2009) suggested that there are some differences in academic writing style between native speaker and nun-native speaker. However, it can be argued that these differences are parts of the cultural differences. For example they eat, live and talk differently.

According to Kaplan’s data which used(see Connor,2002;Hirsose,2003) shows how writer’s cultural backgrounds influ...

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It is not easy to decide whether academic writers have to learn the English writing style or it might be better to choose another writing style. If academic writers could find a global structure for the whole world, so academic writers will learn it and use it for writing an essay or a scientific paper. According to Linn(2009), non-native speakers how grown in a different language and culture have a different writing standards which leads to a certain way of thinking, understanding and writing as a result of that. Linn(2009) claimed that teachers have show non-native speakers that the way of a successful academic writing is not only by learning grammar and vocabulary, but also by learning a new writing methods and a new way of thinking. At the end Linn is suggesting to have a suitable group of subjects because Sondek’s study(2008) is small.

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