1. Introduction
An ESP course entails rigorous adherence to its absolute characteristics that define it as need based pedagogy which uses specific content and specialized language to help learners acquire proficient use of language in diverse academic or workplace contexts. ESP involves various steps in designing, implementing and assessing a target course. This includes identification of the key issues that are specific to the teaching and learning context, cognizance of the implications for the course design, conducting a comprehensive needs analysis, collating the results of research, analysing data, developing course outline, selecting materials, defining appropriate methodology, developing assessment tools, and evaluating the course for further improvement.
2. Key issues in EAP
2.1. Linguistic Features
The primary aim of any ESP course is to answer the question “why do the learners need to learn the foreign language”? This means the focal emphasis is on helping the learners to communicate accurately and precisely. Therefore, ESP adapts elements from other approaches as a foundation for its own methods and techniques. An ESP course is thus designed to cater for the appropriate structural, functional, and discourse levels learners might need for developing the needed language competence (Hutchinson & Waters: 1987).
a. At the structural level, substitution tables and structural syllabi are very common in ELT. In an ESP course, rather than explaining rules via lecturing, substitution techniques can be employed in a reinforcement exercise.
b. The functional/notional level refers to language in use. An ESP syllabus that includes functions could have topics such as the following: making hotel reservations, giving tour informat...
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... Press.
Robinson, P. (1991). ESP Today: A Practitioner's Guide. London: Prentice Hall.
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Language has been said to effect culture and a person’s way of thinking; in addition to culture effecting language. Throughout the last 100 years there have been apparent and subtle changes in the English language. The changes an English speaking person may see throughout their life time are different catchphrases, the way language is written, the type of formality used, and how deeply English is affected by cultures; as well as how it effects other cultures around the world.
Cerjak ,The English Journal, Vol. 76, No. 5 (Sep., 1987), pp. 55-57 Published by: National Council of Teachers of English
The lesson I have chosen to present is one that compares and contrasts cats and dogs and is directed to a class of 3rd grade English learners (ELs). I have used a Venn diagram and applied the information from my SIOP Lesson Plan to provide me the foundation needed to present a well-organized and educational presentation. The presentation is aligned to both the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Standards (INTASC) and the Arizona Professional Teacher’s Standards (APTS). The lesson plan applies implementation of both content and language objectives, provides hands-on experiences, and provides me with a variety of resources and materials all of which are necessary to effectively assist me in achieving my goal of teaching ELs to achieve, learn, and become proficient in a new language.
Clark, Virginia P., Paul A. Eschholz, and Alfred F. Rosa. Language: Introductory Readings. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print.
In today’s competitive world, academic is very important and a good grade is most have in order to make a decent career. For the international student, this ESL class is very important. This class teaches us to adopt the writing styles used in many fields and also makes us able to communicate properly within the society. The vast diversity and increasing immigration in this country are making the society more globalized. To stand out among those crowds and make a decent career, we have to do better in learning the way the society understands and ESL class teaches us that. Furthermore, as English is generally the language used by almost everyone working and dealing at all levels, mastering it is important for ESL students to like me. Hence,
Teaching students a language that is foreign can really be challenging for students as well as for the teachers. The dynamic rule for implementing instructing in a diverse class to English-learners is to use resourceful life skills such as diligence, hard work and patience. There are also methods that are involved in teaching English as a second language that can be creative for the teacher, yet beneficial to the student. First building a strong foundation that is essential to English learners will promote the language acquisition process. To do this teacher’s should always start with preparation. Advance preparation is essential in order to provide necessary adaptations in content area instruction and to make content information accessible for second language lear...
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113-117. 151-195. The. English: A Linguistic Tool Kit, (2012), (U214, Worlds of English, DVD ROM), Milton Keynes, The Open University. English in the World, (2012), (U214, Worlds of English, DVD ROM), Milton Keynes, The Open University.
It is necessary to draw a distinction between foreign language and second language learning. According to (Wisniewski, 2007), a language lear...
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