Like Water For Hot Chocolate Summary

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Winder, Robert. "BOOK REVIEW / Lovers Slowly Roasting in Flames of Passion: 'Like Water for Hot Chocolate'" The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 18 Feb. 1993. Web. 02 November 2017.
Winder discussed the novel by Laura Esquivel” Like water for chocolate”, as a love story between a Mexican girl name Ttia and a boy name Pedro. Tita’s shows her love of food and kitchen through her fantastic skills in the kitchen. A love story happened between Tita and Perdue but Tita’s mother Elena refused to let them married according to the Mexican traditions. So, Elena makes Pedro married Tita’s sister instead, which the boy accepted against his wishes, so he can be close to his lover Tita.
Winder continued to examine the novel and gives his opinion for the novel. In his review he explained how the writer made the interaction between the characters and their environment. For example, he mentioned that Tita’s love of food and the kitchen along with her emotions are showing through her food.
Many emotions are shown by the writer. He shows many important aspects of the story and how they reflected the social and the culture of the Mexicans people. There are many underline emotions are discussed in this book reviews, which I found very useful to use in the novel analysis. …show more content…

She describes it as a “novel of forbidden love” and calls attention to its format, which she says is “billed as A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances and Home Remedies.” She comments that this is ‘brilliant” and “unlike anything” that she has seen before. She is gratified by the detailed descriptions of food in the book, as well as the sensual treatment of food and cooking, which is capable of affecting the reader with the sexual energy that the writing generates. Coffin describes the book as “magic” and urges her readers to buy the book even if a movie has been

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