Lightning Quotes

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Emerson’s quote of “The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine” has been told to me in many, various ways, such as grow a spine, let it be water on a duck’s back, it’s water under the bridge, and assume yourself some thick skin. This quote follows those words as such, showing that when it comes to your problems, you must stand tall and don’t let them get to you.
The lightning symbolizes the incoming strike from others, who wish to go against someone and their ideals or morality. The lightning rod, a way to deviate lightning from striking buildings and causing fires, should be the same way one should deal with their problems, their lightning. By allowing the problems to strike them, the person should allow it to go through …show more content…

What I said was minute and shouldn’t have bothered me as much as it did, but I called a friend of mine for consolation. The friend I called was different from me in many ways, such as not worrying about other people, keeping independent from people’s spiteful words, and living a life as she saw fit. If anything, she was a teacher to me and played a major part in my life. She was an Emerson of her own. While I was sobbing my story to her, not being lucid at all, she told me one thing that reverberated within me even to this …show more content…

When I got into a trifle with my sister, I would remind myself constantly grow a spine, don’t let it bother you. When I began to get bullied, I had to force myself to remember grow a spine. Ever since it was first uttered into my ear, I’d always recall those three words in my time of weakness. It gave me confidence that nothing will bother me if I turn my back to those who went against me. If I had the spine that I was told to grow, then nothing would be able to get to me. This quote is the summary of how to deal with my problems since I was a young child. Through thick and thin, those words of Emerson, though changed, stayed with me every single day of my life like a friend, a best

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