Lifestyle Factors Influence A Healthy Lifestyle

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Lifestyle factors are the adaptable habits and ways of life that can greatly influence overall health and well-being. Lifestyle factors determine how we live our lives, due to our health. There are 5 main factors including Diet, Alcohol & Drugs, Stress, Work and Smoking. These factors have a huge influence on us and our overall health.
To begin our diet has a huge impact on our lifestyle because if you are obese it is a lot harder to participate in physical activity; therefore you don’t want to do it and you won’t lose weight. A balanced diet is crucial to a healthy functioning lifestyle and consists of 7 components:
Role of carbohydrates- the role of carbohydrates is very important because they provide energy for the body as its main source …show more content…

It can help prevent mainly illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, it also prevents weight gain and can also improve digestive health. However, many people don't get enough fibre in their diets. Without fibre we can become obese and ill.
An unbalanced diet causes many problems which affect your health and can lead to medical conditions such as obesity and coronary heart disease. An example is someone who consumes a large sum of fat and high energy based foods will gain weight and become obese if they do not participate in any physical activity.
Our diet also affects other lifestyle factor including hygiene, sleep and work. It affects our hygiene because if someone eats high amounts of sugary foods and drinks then cavities will appear. Food affects our teeth so we need to be careful how often we eat sugary foods and make sure to brush your teeth! It affects our sleep because if we eat spicy acidic food before going to bed it could cause heartburn and this would make it difficult to sleep. Finally diet affects our work because food is our fuel if we do not eat we will not be productive. When working ensure o have regular break and eat foods that provide you with

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