Lesson 10 Christianity Essay

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Lesson 10 Christianity

Give the foundations of Christianity
Discuss important beliefs and practices of Christianity
Explain the beliefs of Christians about Jesus Christ

Apostle’s Creed
New Testament
Old Testament

Answer this: Why is Christianity has the most number of followers all over the world?

Amid the Jewish religious disintegration of the first century C.E. , an traveling Jewish preacher, Jesus of Nazareth ( 6 B.C.E.-. 29 C.E.) , inaugurated a new religion called Christianity. He was born in Bethlehem ,in a Roman province of Judea. Many Jews who embraced this faith believed that Jesus was the Messiah from the Hebrew word “messiah” meaning “anointed one or savior” whose coming was frequently …show more content…

To Christians, Jesus Christ is a teacher, the model of a virtuous life, the revealer of God, as well as an incarnation of God, and most importantly the savior of humanity who suffered, died, and was resurrected to bring about salvation from sin. Christians maintain that Jesus ascended into heaven, and most denominations teach that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, granting everlasting life to his followers. Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel and hence label the written accounts of his ministry as …show more content…

A scripture readings are drawn from the Old and New Testaments. Instruction is given based on these readings, called a sermon, or homily. There are a different congregational prayers, including thanksgiving, confession, and intercession, which occur throughout the service and take a variety of forms including recitation, responses from readings, silent prayer and singing. The Lord's Prayer, or Our Father, is regularly prayed. The Eucharist , called Holy Communion, or the Lord's Supper is the part of liturgical worship that consists of a consecrated meal, usually bread and wine and the

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