Legal & Ethical Issues with Advertising and Online Counseling

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Since the end of World War 2, the technology one sees around them and uses everyday has grown exponentially. In the field of counseling, phones, fax machines, copiers, and computers are all used to run everyday operations and transfer information. Despite how great technology can be, ethical issues can arise because of it. For example, talking on the phone with a client in a crisis situation can create a condition in which confidentiality can be breeched. (McMinn, 1999).

One new way in which technology has been used to extend the services of the counseling field is through online counseling. According to Corey (2011), online counseling can be beneficial because some consumers want brief and anonymous therapy, some clients who are unwilling to participate in traditional therapy may be willing to accept help online, it’s easier for persons with physical disabilities, may be easier for clients who experience anxiety, allows for access to clients in rural places, enhances record keeping, expands pool of referrals, increases flexibility in scheduling, increases options for supervision, and enhances collection of research data. Despite that, Corey (2011), also discusses the disadvantages of online counseling which are as follows: high possibility of inaccurate diagnosis/treatment, confidentiality and privacy cannot be guaranteed, therapists’ duty to warn and protect others is hampered, suicidal clients cannot receive immediate help, enables minors to pretend to be adult to access treatment, and it can be difficult to build and maintain a therapeutic alliance.

The online counseling website that is going to be examined in this paper is LaCombe, S. (n.d.). Free Online Crisis Counseling. My Shrink...changing you from the inside out. Re...

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...arch. (n.d.). Canadian Professional Counsellors Association. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from

Drude, K., & Lichstein, M. (2005). Psychologists Use of E-mail with Clients: Some Ethical Considerations. The Ohio Psychologist , 1, 13-17.

LaCombe, S. (n.d.). Free Online Crisis Counseling. My Shrink...changing you from the inside out. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from

McMinn, M., Buchanan, T., Ellens, B., & Ryan, M. (1999). Technology, Professional Practice, and Ethics: Survey Findings and Implications. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 30(2), 165-172.

Zack, J. (n.d.). Online Counseling: Is it Legal or Not? . Online Therapy Institute. Retrieved March 17, 2012, from

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