Before, bacteria were known that it is fully cloned from the parent cell so bacteria were not suitable for genetic study. However, Lederberg and Tatum claimed DNA transfers occur in bacteria via mechanism of sex. The two possible models that Lederberg and Tatum (1946) considered for mating process in Escherichia coli (E.coli) are conjugation and transduction process. Conjugation is a process where genetic information is directly transfers from one bacterium to another. To prove their statement Lederberg and Tatum carried out experiments to demonstrate the process. They use two auxotroph strains of E. coli K12 which the first strain could synthesize threonine leucine and thiamine but not methionine and biotin while the second strain could synthesize methionine and biotin but not others (1,2) . After incubation …show more content…
There are two type of transduction which is generalized and specialized transduction. Generalized transduction is where phages can carry any host gene while specialized transduction only specific host gene can be transferred by transducing phage (3,4). This process was discovered by Lederberg and Zinder in 1952 while they were studying the process of conjugation in Salmonella typhimurium using same method that was used in determination of E coli conjugation method. Two different strains were used which phe− trp− tyr− in one strain and the other was met− his− (3,4). There are no wild-type cell observed after the strains was plated individually, however when the two strain were combined wild-type strain become visible at about 1 in 105 frequency (3). Thus they conclude that the situation is similar to the recombination of E. coli and therefore E.coli also used transduction as their mating process. Interestingly, in 1970, Morton and Akiko Higa confirmed that transformation can also occur in E.coli using artificial method of
The first step of the experiment was ligation, and the objective was to insert EGFP cDNA into a restriction cut pET41a(+) vector to obtain a recombinant plasmid that would express green fluorescent gene. pET41a(+) was the choice of vector to ligate the EGFP into. Its structural design and genomic sequential properties render it especially well-suited for cloning and high-level expression of peptide sequences. This 5933 bp circular vector contains a built in sequence for Kanamayacin resistance gene. “Rooting of non-transgenic shoots was completely inhibited in all culture media containing kanamycin” (Montserrat, et. al., 2001). This allowed the growth of recombinant and non-recombinant colonies of E. coli, all of which contained the vector insert.
Figure 2 shows the results of the electrophoresis. Lanes 5 and 7 indicate the fragments obtained when the plasmids are digested with both restriction enzymes, indicating the approximate fragment size for the hlyA gene, the pK184 plasmid and the pBluescript plasmid. This is useful for identifying the recombinant DNA needed for this experiment
Tay-Sachs disease is a rare hereditary disease found mainly in infants but is also found in juveniles and adults. It is caused by the abnormal metabolism of fats and is characterized by mental deterioration, blindness, and paralysis. There is no available treatment for this disease.
The purpose of this experiment is to identify an unknown insert DNA by using plasmid DNA as a vector to duplicate the unknown insert DNA. The bacteria will then be transformed by having it take in the plasmid DNA, which will allow us to identify our unknown insert as either the cat gene or the kan gene.
In John Barker’s Ancestral Lines, the author analyzes the Maisin people and their culture centered around customs passed from previous generations, as well as global issues that impact their way of living. As a result of Barker’s research, readers are able to understand how third world people can exist in an rapid increasing integrated system of globalization and relate it not only to their own society, but others like the Maisin; how a small group of indigenous people, who are accustomed to a modest regimen of labor, social exceptions, and traditions, can stand up to a hegemonic power and the changes that the world brings. During his time with these people the author was able to document many culture practices, while utilizing a variety of
The ligation was expected to make four combinations. The original pBK-CMV and CIH-1 fragments would region to make a non-recombinant pBK-CMV/CIH-1 plasmid. The original pUC19 fragments would rejoin to make a non-recombinant pUC19 plasmid. The larger fragment of pBK-CMV and the small 27bp fragment of pUC19 or the desired recombinant vector, CIH-1 fragment and the larger 2659bp pUC19 fragment. As pBK-CMV does not contain the ampicillin gene then transformed Ecoli containing these would not to survive on the Agar leaving only pUC19 recombinants and non-recombinants.
Waardenburg Syndrome is a group of genetic conditions that can lead to hearing loss and changes in the color of hair, skin, and eyes (Genetics 2013). Cases of Waardenburg Syndrome are not very common. There are different types of symptoms of the syndrome. Waardenburg Syndrome can be inherited either on an autosomal dominant pattern or autosomal recessive pattern (Calendar 2013). The ways of diagnosing Waardenburg Syndrome include certain tests to detect the disorder. While Waardenburg Syndrome cannot be cured, treatments can be given to lessen the effects. Like other diseases, Waardenburg Syndrome has certain symptoms, inheritance patterns, diagnosis and treatments.
John Philippe Rushton was a Psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario who became generally known for his research on apparent forms of racial variation. Rushton’s book, Race, Evolution, and Behavior (1995), describes his r/k selection theory on how Mongoloids, Negroids, and Caucasoids obtain their evolutionary characteristics. Many critiques and reviews targeted Rushton for his controversial work; including articles from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1989). During his early career, Rushton began researching hereditary aspects of altruism; thereby, developing the Genetic Similarity Theory. “Altruism defined as behavior carried out to benefit others, in extreme form altruism involves self-sacrifice. In humans altruistic behavior ranges from everyday kindnesses, through sharing scarce resources, to giving up one's life to save others (Rushton 1989).” This theory was a direct extension of William Donald Hamilton’s Kin Selection Theory. Throughout Rushton’s literature there is a constant pattern of faulty conclusions, citations from his own work, sources that have been outdated, undeterminable measurements, and broad, vague assumptions. The consistency of these complications affected his reputation severely. Rushton appeared to void out any socio-economic factors that could influence his generalizations. Analyzing his Genetic Similarity Theory and evaluating all credible sources, one will find many errors and misconceptions.
In many eyes, dimples are considered a mark of beauty and loveliness. In an article by Manali Oak she describes "Dimples" almost perfectly. "Technically speaking, dimples are visible indentations formed as a result of the underlying flesh of the cheeks" (Oak, Manali 2009). It's very difficult for us to understand that dimples are the outcome of a birth defect resulting from contracting scar tissue or trauma ( A gelasin is the result the Zygomaticus major muscle, a facial muscle. It begins in the front of the cheek and stretches into the upper lip. This action makes the muscles move the lips upward and lateral. Conditions that can affect this muscle is myalga, tears, strains, neuromuscular diseases, lacerations, contusions, Bell's palsy, atrophy, infectious myositis, and myopathy (Zygomaticus Major Muscle Function, Origin & Anatomy). Lets say when someone smiles, the minor muscles on their face causes the facial skin to pull back, therefore resulting in a tiny indention in their skin, known as a dimple. Some people might ask how may dimple formation be somewhat connected to our DNA? Well dimples are a dominant genetic trait and if our both of our parents have dimples, then us their children, will have a 50-100% chance of getting dimples passed down to us. But if one parent only has dimples then our chances of getting dimples will only be a 0-50% chance of inheritance. You can imagine if none of the parents have dimples then nine out of ten times the child will not receive dimples. Seeing dimples on both sides of you cheeks is as normal as they can get, but a lone dimple is rare and occur every blue moon. As we know that di...
I have always been fascinated by conjoined twins and have always had questions about them like; what do the Siamese have to do with conjoined twins? Why does this form of twin happen? What, if any genes cause this? What types of Conjoined twins are there? How does the environment affect, if at all, the biological families' gene pool? In my research in efforts to prepare this paper, I found the answers to this question and many more. This term paper will cover the types of conjoined twins, the biological occurrence that causes conjoined twins, a look into some of the genetic and environmental causes of conjoined twins, the types of conjoined twins and the genetic and social impact of conjoined twins.
Sometimes genes can also be transformed by viruses that can extract a gene from one bacterial cell and inject it into another (3).... ... middle of paper ... ... This understanding must extend to the need to preserve microbial communities that are susceptible to antibiotics, so they will always be able to out-compete resistant strains.
Watson, J. D., Gilman, M., Witkowski, J., Zoller, M. (1992). Recombinant DNA. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
Micromutationism was a pre-Mendelian theory that began with Darwin and emphasized the gradual progression of phenotypic evolution. This theory was incredibly influential and had Biometric Schools founded upon its idea, however, it was ardently challenged by the then rising Mendelian genetics. Despite conflict the Micromutationism theory did eventually win out in the 1930s due mostly to Fisher and his blending of the two theories in order to construct “a mathematical framework known as the infinitesimal model,” (Orr 2). Though modern evolutionists tend to disregard this model it does have some credible points. The article then goes on to discuss two new theories that arose known as the quantitative trait locus analysis and the microbial experimental evolution. These theories concluded that evolution involved large genetic changes that came about through a compilation of a minimal number of minute changes.
Creating my personal genogram was a valuable experience for me. By mapping out my family’s structure, and considering the dynamics of the relationships therein, I am able to see how each member of my immediate family took on specific roles and that addictions are present on both sides of my family. My paternal grandmother, Ginny, was an alcoholic and passed this trait to my father. My mother demonstrated signs of substance abuse through smoking and drinking, and both parents passed these to my sister and me: Whitney struggled with various addictions, the most severe of which was methamphetamine and I have had an ongoing struggle with smoking and past experiences with anorexia.
The genome of any organism is referred to as the total genetic content possessed by that organism. The movement of genetic material is defined as the process of Gene Transfer. Gene Transfer can be done in two directions: vertical gene transfer (transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring) and horizontal gene transfer or lateral gene transfer (transfer of genetic material from donor organism to recipient organism). The process of gene transfer is a type of DNA-sharing process in which direct movement of DNA is observed between two organisms and not parent to offspring. The first occurrence of Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT), also known as Lateral Gene Transfer (LGT) was seen in micro-organisms in the late 1940s. For the transferred gene to survive in the host for long period of time, it