Leaving Children Unattended In Cars

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Survey: Many parents are willing to leave kids unattended in car In the retelling, the accounts sound as tragic as a tragedy can be: A forgetful or distracted parent leaves behind an infant or toddler in a car parked in the summer heat, with deadly results.
Almost 7 in 10 parents surveyed said they had heard such stories, but they were willing to leave their own children unattended in a car anyway. Particularly dads and parents of children ages 3 and under said they had left their kids alone in a parked car, according to a survey of 1,000 parents and caregivers conducted by Public Opinion Strategies of Washington.
“Leaving a child unattended in a hot vehicle can result in swift, devastating and tragic consequences. The acting Administrator …show more content…

Bystander are very uncomfortable acting when they see a child left in a car alone but they need to know that one call save a life. Emergency personnel would much rather respond to a false alarm than a fatality,” Never Leave Your Child Alone in a Car.” One life lost ism too many, and the number of “near misses” or children rescued before fatality is significantly higher .Create reminders by putting something in the back of your car next to your child such as a briefcase, a purse or cell phone that is needed at your final destination. This is especially important if you’re not following your normal …show more content…

That’s crazy, should not be happening. Take your kids with you. “You leave them in the car, anybody can grab them. People with soaring temperatures, they can’t understand what they was thinking.I wouldn’t leave a dog in a car on a winter day, let alone my child on a hot day summer day. People should automatically go to jail for leaving kids in a car. Leaving kids in a locked, parked vehicle in the shade is usually pretty safe. However, it’s definitely a bad idea to leave your kids unattended in a car for more than a few minutes on a hot day. Cracking the windows doesn’t alaways cool the car down. Small kids more easily succumb to heatstroke, which can kick in when the body’s internal temperature reaches just 104

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