Of all IB Learner Profile traits of which IB identifies as important in guiding students to become more “internationally minded”, I believe that I exhibit the Caring Learner Profile trait. People who possess the caring trait should show empathy, compassion and respect. To exemplify caring it means to give service and make a positive difference to the world around us. Whether it is great or slight, caring is the action of showing others that people do care about them. I demonstrate this trait because every spring I attend a mission trip to Bear Branch, Kentucky, one of the poorest parts in the United States, and give service to residents living in that area. This event is called Big Creek. I visit elderly homes, and talk to the older people who may have served in World War I or II and listen to their stories. Many times it is a depressing story, which may lead to them to cry. I show empathy and understand their feelings. I show compassion …show more content…
and then cheer them up and remind them of the advantages in life. I make them smile and laugh and enjoy being there. I want to give back to others and be thankful for what they have done for us. Many of the people who are in the elderly homes are military leaders or members and I show them respect and thank them for what they have done. At the same mission trip, I do yard work and talk to people who are in need of help. I not only clean their yard and house but also help them in their lives. Many people have gone through difficult times, and I show empathy to them. One time there was a widow whose husband had died. She and her son were Christian, and in their beliefs her husband had gone to heaven, however, they were still gloomy and mourning over his death. I lifted up their feelings by encouraging that her husband is in heaven. I told her that heaven was a better place and that he is with God. She realized that everything happens for a reason, and that she will still meet him in the afterlife. I was disappointed to leave our brief lived relationship, but hopefully I can visit her again this year. Last of all, at that mission trip I worked at the community school.
I assisted teachers, spoke to the kids as well aided the janitorial crew. However, there was this young kid, who was always picked on and made fun of. His mother had died when he was at a young age, and his dad is always working to support the rest of his family. He didn’t have much luxury as other kids in the already poor area. I talked to him and he opened up to me. He told me about his feelings and family and everything that he has been through. I showed empathy and put myself in his shoes. He told me that I was one of the first people that had actually tried understanding and caring about what has happened in his life. After we had talked, it seemed like he was feeling better and happier. I felt truly humble after doing this because I realized that several people experience problems and issues in their lives. Various people aren’t as fortunate as I am, however, giving back and helping them, allowed me to understand, and encouraged me to create a
difference. Throughout all of my experiences I feel that I show the caring trait. I show empathy, compassion, as well as respect for those around me and those who are less fortunate than me. I enjoy giving my time and service to those who need it. Although I don’t receive any money or any payment like that, I obtain the payment of satisfaction of helping a community. Doing all of these activities and services, has encouraged me to do more, and help more to construct a positive difference around me and the world.
Many service projects have had an impact on my life, but the significant one is the time that our group put together Blessing Bags. The Blessing Bags were bags put together for homeless people. This project had an impact on my life because at one point in time, my family struggled. We did not have a stable home and we had to continue movie because of the living expenses. It is very difficult to buy many products that are needed for personal hygiene, especially if someone does not have a stable home. There are many people that live in the streets and it breaks my heart. Whenever I see homeless people, I give them what I can. Although my family did not become homeless, I could not imagine living in the streets without any food, clothing, or products
I grew up with people who helped for a living. My mom’s job was helping girls that had got themselves into trouble and needed help, that is when I learned as a toddler, that helping is what I wanted to do. I soon got into elementary school and I was a big helper. I still am. Last year I was in Mrs. Harkabus’ class and had the greatest opportunity
Growing up on the south side of Chicago in the roughest neighborhood in the city I learned a lot from others and just observing my surroundings. At times, I would always think to myself my situation could always be worse than it was, and that there is always someone who is doing worst off than me. But my situation turned from being in a bad position to being in a position where my mother would come to lose her mother and our home that we had been living in, all in the same year. After losing her mother and bother my mom lost herself in her emotions and shut down on everyone and with that came the loss of a home for me and my siblings and her job. Shortly after my mom began to go back to church and so did we. It was the first time in a log time that we had attended church and it played a big part in a learning experience for me and my siblings. Through the days that came to pass going to church sparked a desire of wanting to help others who had or are struggling to get by. My mentor, Pastor, and teacher deserves appreciation for helping my mother through a hard time and keeping me and my siblings active in a positive manor.
Being in a school that brought students from various counties and cities with different backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives, opened my eyes to seeing just how diverse humanity is. In a time when everyone is struggling with personal problems, I know how monumental a simple volunteer act can be. One of my favorite acts of service is tutoring. I tutored an elementary-aged girl for two years in Fort Lee and I will always remember those two years as the most fulfilling. Education is so precious, and children are the most open to it. Not only was I able to teach her math and reading comprehension skills, but how to carry herself as a smart and extraordinarily capable young lady. In return, she taught me patience and how sometimes you just need to approach a problem differently to see the
Throughout my life, I have found myself always striving to help others. This has been bestowed upon me since I was a young child. My brother, Justin was born with health problems. He had to be fed through his stomach from birth to he was five years of age. Because of Justin’s health conditions he was a lot smaller than kids his age. He was held back in school for a year and he was still eight inches shorter than the other kids in his class. With all of his ailments and his stature I felt that it was up to me, his big brother, to be there for him and defend him from anyone picking or ridiculing him. I later helped my mother teach second grade kids in Sunday school. This opened my eyes to a lot of learning diversities
She also has several of the other attributes, as she is knowledgeable, balanced, and caring, for example about her friends. She is reflective and principled as she reflects on her mistakes to see what she could improve and always considers the consequences of her actions. To be a better IB learner she could be more open-minded towards other peoples’ ideas and opinions and be a better communicator by becoming a better team player and trusting
Every year the Future Business Leaders of America group in my school organizes Thanksgiving baskets that are provided to families within the community who are in need and who otherwise would be without a Thanksgiving dinner. Serving as secretary of the club my junior and senior years I have had the honor of being directly involved with the making and handing out of the baskets. I organize the gathering of the goods and donations for the turkeys and gift cards that are provided within the baskets. These two years I have had the chance of personally handing the baskets to the families who are receiving them. When handing the out the baskets I see how thankful the families are for all of the hard work that I put into the baskets. The experience
It was the summer of 2013 when I was living with my grandparents and they told me about volunteering at the church. I didn’t know what they were talking about, so I took the initiative to go find out for myself that following Sunday. I was in the balcony on Sunday, when I heard the announcements saying we can volunteer for their hope food pantry. I was excited because it was going to be a chance where I can help other and get community service hours. Volunteering I began to think positive thoughts and telling myself “ I am doing a good deed”.
Over the course of my life, I have dedicated many hours helping others. At a very young age, I wanted to make a difference in the world, not only in the sciences, but also in the lives of the less fortunate. My grandmother ran a Habitat for Humanity restore in South Carolina, so every time I visited her, I spent long days unloading donations, working the cash register, talking to perspective home owners, and delivering lunch to workers on jobsites. I loved every minute
Instead of rolling out of bed I sprung to my feet and got ready knowing it was my last chance to make a difference. Our last few hours in Chicago we had to live as if we were homeless. Each person in our group was given two dollars and was supposed to live on that for the day. My group split up and took the train downtown where we were amongst the people of Chicago. When we got off the train my group walked for several blocks looking at all of the buildings and occasionally holding a conversation with a stranger. Around one in the afternoon we decided to pool our money together and buy things to make sandwiches. On our way to a Walgreens we walked past a man asking for money. I shamefully tried to avoid eye contact with him and proceeded to walk past him. When we reached the Walgreens we bought what we needed for lunch. On the way out one of the girls had the idea that we should give the man some of our food and the leftover money that we had. We gathered our lunch and walked back to where the man was sitting. When we got there I asked if we could have lunch with him. He said “yes” and we sat down next to him. I offered him a sandwich but he refused to eat until we had eaten first. I was rather surprised because I thought that he would accept my offer right away. I asked him “Are you sure?” and he responded “Yes, of course!” My group and I continued to visit with him about his life and the trials he was going through. As I was asking these questions I could feel the glares of other people as the walked by. Some gave looks of hatred while others pretended we didn't exist. Minutes before people viewed me as a normal person but the second I sat down next to this man, who was no different than anyone else, I was instantly treated like filth. He actually wasn't even homeless. He just couldn't find any work that day and told me that “It’s better to sit and
Prosocial Behavior is the action one takes in order to assist someone without any expectations. This type of behavior can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, helping someone cross the street and assisting in the changing of a tire (Baron, Branscombe, 2012, pp. 289-317). Individuals have various reasons for helping others; from receiving praise, attention from others or out of empathy. Empathy is a response an individual experiences towards another and can relate to that individuals state of being, celebrating with those that rejoice and mourn with those who mourn (Feldman, 2010). Our everyday hero doesn’t reside in a prestigious office, nor are they known amongst those that reside within our society. They are the ones that sacrifice their time to ensure others have a sense of hope and to bring hope to those that are in need. These individuals volunteer at the Good Samaritan putting together Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, visit the elderly and disabled at the Waynesville Life Care Center on Sundays, reading the Bible and socializing, as well as supporting kids in other countries by sending Christmas boxes. Some might even show their support by donating monetary funds to charities or providing meals to the hungry.
IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. An IEP is a written document required for each child who is eligible to receive special education services. It is provided to a student who has been determined first to have a disability, and second, to need special education services because of that disability. An IEP is very important and should never be overlooked by anyone. The purpose of an IEP is to make sure that only students whose educational performance is affected by a disability receive special services. An individual program plan is designed to make sure that students get the kind of educational experience that they deserve; an experience that results in success. The end goals for students who are on an IEP are to be involved in
My frightened siblings and I stood behind my father but something caught my eye. I could see his starving eyes not only for food, but for warmth, clothes, a home, a family. All this that we take for advantage. My dad took him aside and offered to bring him to a restaurant and pay for a meal of his choice. I never realized that I was able to fill my stomach and complain that “I’m too full to walk”, while others like him are out in the cold night starving. What I remember the most about that night was when we left the restaurant and we saw the gentleman across the street. All I could see was his big smile and thankfulness. From then on I would no longer be scared of helping people, but inspired to show compassion and help make a difference. Every year after this life changing experience, my friends and I go downtown to donate and volunteer at the food bank to help people like the man that changed my perspective of life. We also started Christmas hampers that we give to less fortunate families and make their holidays a special one that they could
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a charitable organization that I have been involved with for four years. “[They] believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential” (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, 2011). This mission statement shows their true dedication to allowing children to not be held back by their lack of socialization at a younger age and to be able to find who they are and make a difference in the world. I decided to pick this experience in particular because of the huge impact that it had on my life. Although we met only once a week it was an experience I will forever remember. I had one mentee in particular that showed such great advances in the year that we spent together. This little was in grade 5 at the time and was very shy; having being raised by one parent he had a lack of parental figures in his life. From such a young age he had a hard time trusting people because those around him always seemed just to leave. By me being their week after week he began to realize that I was not going anywhere fast. Although at first it took a long time to get through to him he eventu...
I went to the grocery store and got cases of water, bags of bread, and stuff to make the sandwiches. I had finished preparing the bags and each had granola bars, fruit, ham and cheese sandwiches, water, toothpaste, and other hygiene products. My dad and I had arrived outside the homeless shelter and were ready to pass the bags out as we saw the swarm of people. Hundreds maybe even thousands of people gathered sitting in what little shade there was. I knew we had a homeless problem, but not to this extent and the bags I had made were going to make little to no difference on the vast amount of people that had been sitting outside. I was a little disappointed at first to be completely honest because I was not prepared for that many people. If I would have known there would have been so many people I would have made more bags. We drove around the block planning on what we were going to do and saw some tents set up. My dad and I were curious as to what they were, so we got out the car and saw that these people had been giving people food and I walked up to them and asked if there was any way I could help them. These people in the tents were actually an organization called Open Arms Outreach and a few girls scouts. They gladly let us help and we brought a few cases of water and the bags I had made and helped pass them out. The organization Open Arms Outreach