Leadership Ethics And Values In The Canadian Forces

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My everyday life in the Canadian Forces incorporates principles of leadership which evoke the

concept of duty, integrity, discipline and honour. Ethical principles teach me to respect the

dignity of all persons, serve in the interests of Canada before myself and to obey lawful

authority. Being a well-rounded soldier encompasses showing integrity, loyalty, courage,

stewardship and excellence that one day will help me achieve a leadership role in the Canadian

forces. In this essay I will discuss how principles of leadership, ethics and values apply to my

Service in the Canadian Forces. As my career progresses in the Canadian Forces, I start to notice how important and difficult it

is to be in a leadership position and being responsible …show more content…

Those actions will make him feel good and more productive as a soldier. Believing in what is

fair, just and pursuing the truth regardless of possible consequence also implies to integrity. As a

loyal Canadian Forces member I carry out lawful orders provided by my leaders. My leaders are

here to look after me and to guide me in the right path.

As my military career advances, I will ensure that all the troops are treated equally and given

opportunities for skill development. Showing traits of duty and loyalty as a soldier when facing

challenges either physical or moral and still being able to finish the mission. My fellow and I

display teamwork and hard work ethics when being pushed to finish a difficult task. If we are on

the tasking or mission we will lookout for each other, whether it’s covering someone’s shift or

giving them moral help. If I see that someone at work is getting harassed I will do everything to

prevent that awful behaviour.

Upon arriving at the 4th Artillery Regiment, I’ve noticed how my leaders always show us

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