Leadership Development For Junior Navy Officer

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ALAP: Leadership Development for Junior Nurse Corps Officers
Staff Corps Officers (Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, Physician Assistants) in the United States Navy receive several topics of instruction during their five week Officer Development School (ODS). This school is the Staff Corps equivalent to enlisted Boot Camp or Officer Candidate School (OCS) which is a 12 week Boot Camp for Line Officers. During the five weeks at ODS, Staff Corps Officers are given instruction on topics such as, but not limited to, Naval leadership, Naval administration, Naval organization, sea power, military law, military indoctrination, Naval warfare, and damage control. As you can see, this is a large amount of information being taught over five …show more content…

Within the Navy it is said, everyone is a leader, but leadership is a trait some individuals are born with and others must learn. Throughout the Navy Nurse Corps developing these traits and skills are crucial career requirements. Without being a successful leader, one will never be afforded opportunities to lead numerous Sailors, thus preventing them from promoting through the ranks and potentially preventing them from making a career out the Navy. Horner (1995) describes leader development as, “a lifelong process that attempts to produce positive attitudinal, intellectual, and behavioral changes in individuals to make them more effective leaders; increase their capacity to lead and prepare them for new and greater responsibilities consistent with the accomplishment of organizational goals.” Among junior Nurse Corps Officers, most are unprepared for leadership responsibilities when faced with the opportunity because they are not natural born, well balanced leaders and have received very little training on the subject. This is one reason why the Navy Nurse Corps must attempt to integrate more leadership training within the …show more content…

As a nurse, Naval Officer, and leader I believe everyone deserves a chance to learn (ISLLC Standard 1), it is my job to ensure my Sailors are provided with the right tools to succeed (ISLLC standard 2), that it is my duty to develop Sailors through delegating tasks according to abilities (ISLLC standard 3), and make every attempt to be fair and ethical to all (ISLLC 5). However, not every military leader practices according to these standards and no two people lead the same way. Within the Navy Nurse Corps, or any organization, you are only as strong and successful as your weakest person. Therefore, unskilled or weak leaders can be detrimental to any organization which is another reason why leadership development training courses should continue past

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